What does gender dysphoria feel like? First of all, the term “gender dysphoria” is inaccurate. The more accurate term is "Sex Dysphoria." So, what does Sex Dysphoria feel like?
For me, it felt like intrusive thoughts that told me, unrelentingly, that I was born “wrong.” Something was fundamentally wrong with me – my body, my sex – that needed correction. And if I didn't make those “corrections,” I'd never be happy. I'd end up killing myself.
It felt like feeling physically sickened by my own breasts – to the point that I actually considered cutting them off myself, multiple times, between the ages of 21 and 26. I looked it up. I bought alcohol swabs, bandages and knives.
It felt like my female reproductive system was so disgusting and wrong that I had to remove it, even if that meant death. I felt infected. I used to punch myself repeatedly in the lower abdomen because what was inside me “wasn't supposed to be there.”
I used to hurt myself. In many different ways. Because I deserved to be in pain. Because I was born “wrong.” And I couldn't accept myself until my body was “right.”
But here's the thing they don't tell you – That male body you so wish you had? You'll never have it. Ever.
But you cannot live a lie for the rest of your life. Not happily, anyway. So even after pumping myself full of cross-sex hormones and having my breasts amputated, I still wasn't happy. Because I wasn't male, and I knew it. Because I can't be.
“Gender dysphoria,” aka Sex Dysphoria, feels like living in a body that hates itself so much that it'll be as self-destructive as possible in a battle it cannot win. It feels like complete hopelessness. The most potent form of self-hatred I've seen.
Fortunately for me I was able to identify the root causes of my Sex Dysphoria: sexual abuse, depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia and an inkling of an eating disorder (the latter never spiralled into anything too severe).
Watson的經歷讓我特別放在心上的,就是他是成年才轉換的,但這之中仍有許多系統性的推力,讓他做出了這後悔的決定 我們都覺得成年人要為自己的決定負責吧,但牽涉到醫療專業、飽受心理疾病所苦的行為人,如果醫療機構不去說明可能風險,充分檢視過其他可能的診斷,是明顯的失職,加上整個催眠trans men are men,trans women are women的風氣,與原有的厭女文化交相融合,就會一直製造出像Watson這樣的案例
First of all, the term “gender dysphoria” is inaccurate.
The more accurate term is "Sex Dysphoria."
So, what does Sex Dysphoria feel like?
I actually considered that.
I wanted it cut out.
But here's the thing they don't tell you – That male body you so wish you had? You'll never have it. Ever.
And it is good enough. For a while.
Until it's not.
Because we can't change sex.
Nothing to celebrate.
Why was that ignored in favour of affirmation?
I did not need to amputate my healthy breasts.
I needed psychological help for my mental health struggles. From the professionals in charge of my care. Instead, I was affirmed, and I transitioned.
A horrific decision I cannot undo.
Transitioning made everything worse. I'll spend the rest of my life recovering from it.
And before anyone says “that's not gender dysphoria” I was diagnosed by a specialist gender team, at a gender clinic, with it.
So, it is.
我們都覺得成年人要為自己的決定負責吧,但牽涉到醫療專業、飽受心理疾病所苦的行為人,如果醫療機構不去說明可能風險,充分檢視過其他可能的診斷,是明顯的失職,加上整個催眠trans men are men,trans women are women的風氣,與原有的厭女文化交相融合,就會一直製造出像Watson這樣的案例