... Mei Changsu would definitely be gunning for Xue Yang if he sees him fighting on the side of the mutineers during the mutiny He promised XXC he'd help take care of that problem!
I think MCS would most prefer shooting him "in order to preserve order," but would absolutely drag him to the Judge for a murder verdict if he saw XY bump anyone off during the battle
Ooh, nice. Yeah, MCS would definitely grab the opportunity to convict of murder if he could. And might offer the opportunity for Xiao Xingchen to get involved if XXC could testify about some of XY's other bad behavior?
Jamil is, at minimum, very close to being an expert liar and bullshitter, so the odds of him not already picking up on a lot of it, when he's already internally calling bullshit on everyone around him, are preeeeeetty low
I know thinking is hell with a headache, and I appreciate you working through a headache for a tag to me. It's a really great tag, even aside from it being impressive given you have a headache, and it was worth staying up for.
First half of August here
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EternalLie & 🐚 Rui 🐙 : /call it things like mean and rude
s u f f e r i n g
at the poor ships