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Standalone Triumvirate commentary/links: Electric Boogaloo

First half of August here
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Recent Brig Threads: Jamil + Jecht IC Inbox
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This took way more time and energy than anticipated
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But it is done. I sleep
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Me: /Works to make this prettier
EternalLie & 🐚 Rui 🐙 : /call it things like mean and rude
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Y'all can't appreciate fine art
🐚 Rui 🐙
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On that note, I am gonna spend today doing some thread-gathering and finishing CR updates
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But I welcome more thoughts and ideas for the latter half of triship pain and fun
It is very artful cruelty.
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Adds this to the very top for easy access
... Mei Changsu would definitely be gunning for Xue Yang if he sees him fighting on the side of the mutineers during the mutiny (thinking) He promised XXC he'd help take care of that problem!
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I welcome that!
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Xue Yang's been dodging consequences far too long
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I still gotta tag XXC but he isn't even gonna take that bait. He's like "nope, death sticks here, and I can't even profit"
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Part of why he's my worst muse: intelligent coward
What kind of consequences would you be interested in? I'm pretty flexible on anything there
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s u f f e r i n g
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I am down with basically anything, with him, because he fully deserves awful
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So if there's a most IC route you'd enjoy going, I'm game for working to set that up
I think MCS would most prefer shooting him "in order to preserve order," but would absolutely drag him to the Judge for a murder verdict if he saw XY bump anyone off during the battle
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Maybe it could be a little of both? Since XY will happily murder for those shield bands, every chance he gets. But shield only does so much, lol
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So being dragged off for murdict
Ooh, nice. Yeah, MCS would definitely grab the opportunity to convict of murder if he could. And might offer the opportunity for Xiao Xingchen to get involved if XXC could testify about some of XY's other bad behavior?
(possibly also reducing XXC's sentence! two birds, one stone!)
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God, Cloud. You get along with Sephiroth for half a month...
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But also his bottled feelings had to get sent somewhere
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And amused at the image of Tidus trying to fight Tiernan
Tidus is the worst person to fight Tiernan, he's so vulnerable to frustration.
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Y e p
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But he's more stubborn than even Jecht, so Jecht's having fun imagining that
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He's fairly sure Tiernan would grow to genuinely like the kid
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Since... very stubborn, predictable, all good intentions
Oh, probably. Tiernan enjoys highly emotional people, given his own deficiencies in that area.
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EternalLie that was a misfire, btw
Which was?
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You tagged right into the middle of prompts
Oh, oops. I'll move it.
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Looool, Jecht
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oh gdi Plurk
🐚 Rui 🐙
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🐚 Rui 🐙
also correct
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🐚 Rui 🐙
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belatedly tosses some garbage into the riot
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he very literally only agreed to help so that he could watch disaster and dishonor the fallen
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as one does
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Kira🌵 I did a closed thing for you if you wanna play any of it out
awesome, I'll toss MCS his way asap!
🐚 Rui 🐙
🐚 Rui 🐙
but he is glorious garbage
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He is such a hot mess
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Jamil: Seven, no wonder you're a headache. You're like all three of them, put together
Though eventually Jamil will probably find out there's nothing random about this and it's all part of a plan to destabilize the Deacon.
.....but if he saw Tiernan in a fight, it would be very reminiscent of Bind the Heart, so.
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But he already figures it's not random
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Jamil is, at minimum, very close to being an expert liar and bullshitter, so the odds of him not already picking up on a lot of it, when he's already internally calling bullshit on everyone around him, are preeeeeetty low (LOL)
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Cloud plz
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This kid really doesn't deserve his crap
One Winged
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God trying to find Goro Akechi saying a thing, for referencing, as I make this post and I was reminded of all the reasons I love his English VA
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Getting to hear Goro Akechi rambling about lesbians is still the best thing ever
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Okay, I was trying to wait until Akira's tag, but my eyes are burning and I just want to sleep, lol
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I'd wanted to do more tags, sob. But this will have to do
My timing is, as always, "precisely a little too late".
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Not really a little no
Writing a big tag through a headache and toothache is definitely something to do sparingly.
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If it's gonna be 2 1/2 hours when it's already almost 2am please do not leave me thinking it'll be soon
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I wanted to be in bed long before 4:30
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Saying a tag will come "as soon as I get home" is not fair to me
Sorry. I honestly didn't even realize how much time was passing.
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A heads up that there was a headache would have worked. I would have just shelved my stuff and gone to bed
Yeah. That's very fair. I'm sorry.
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I know thinking is hell with a headache, and I appreciate you working through a headache for a tag to me. It's a really great tag, even aside from it being impressive given you have a headache, and it was worth staying up for.
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Part of it was a kneejerk desire to shake you and ask why not just going to bed instead of tagging me. I don't want you hurting yourself to do that
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Please take it easy get you some rest and we can do the fun things tomorrow
Trying to go to sleep when half my jaw is screaming and my neck is locked up tighter than the Galley is. Haaaaa. Tagging is probably easier than that.
But yes I will try to rest and look forward to things tomorrow.
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Bodies, why
Because they're a mistake
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God I have such a type....
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All three of my remaining characters are just. INTENSE VENGEFUL STREAK at the poor ships
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(all three remaining after Goro dies, tbc, though he is the one reminding me of my type, laughs)
Akira: Happily ever after definitely isn't enough to keep Goro Akechi from being Goro Akechi~ 💖
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tf plurk lmao