potato boyo
I had a meeting today but it got canceled
Broccoli Smoke
I heard!
potato boyo
we were going to do in person but one participant couldn't make it because their granddaughter accidentally filled up grandma's gas car with diesel. So we switched to zoom, but only one person got the zoom invite.
potato boyo
she forwarded it but I still haven't gotten any copies.
potato boyo
Broccoli Smoke : and it was a 1pm-2pm PDT meeting. so you said that right when I should have been on zoom.
Broccoli Smoke
I see
potato boyo
basically the point of this is that Broccoli Smoke is spying on me
Broccoli Smoke
Party Wheel
This could have been an email
the other point is that it's time to have a party to celebrate not having to talk to people
Broccoli Smoke
Or maybe is was gidge had just said she couldn't text because she was in a meeting then immediately posted that. Or your thing.
potato boyo
yeah that seems unlikely. it's deffo the spying.
Broccoli Smoke
I can see you! Put your clothes back on!
potato boyo