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左膠 完美的世界 真是屁 動保入憲
劃時代的畜牧業改革 荷蘭政府宣布將降低三分之一的農場動物飼養量
荷蘭 德國 西班牙 義大利 波蘭 農民抗議 卡車 公車
四萬名荷蘭農民開著心愛的拖拉機,浩浩蕩蕩駛往聚集在斯特羅鎮(Stroe),一起抗議荷蘭內閣近期陸續頒布的措施,變相收縮 畜牧業 以減少氮氧化合物和氮排放的計劃。

環保政策 碳排放 酪農 歐洲糧食出口國 ESG
@lester850 - 靠北真的, 荷蘭警察對示威遊行的農民開槍 所以人民擁槍權很重要就是這樣. 因為...
吾皆婆娑 鴉殺三千浮屠之影
荷蘭減氮之路,該何去何從? ——由荷蘭農民抗議引發的思考

荷蘭農民不滿政府減碳排計畫 動員卡車堵住倉儲中心 - 國際
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Angry and hungry farmers block the nation everywhere.

荷蘭關閉了數十個農場和牧場,以減少 30% 的氮。憤怒和飢餓的農民到處封鎖國家。
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RadioGenova on Twitter
The Italian capital invaded by thousands of illegal immigrants. This is what tourists see once they arrive at Termini station in Rome. Absolute degradation. Mass expulsions are needed.

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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch farmers very angry after politicians' decision to closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%.

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RadioGenova on Twitter
Manure shower for the Mark Rutte's police. Dutch farmers very angry after politicians' decision to closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%.

馬克·魯特(Mark Rutte)警察的糞便淋浴。在政客決定關閉數十個農場和牧場以減少 30% 的氮後,荷蘭農民非常憤怒。
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Very angry Dutch farmers block border between Holland and Germany. Harsh protests in many Dutch cities after politicians' decision to closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30% - 70% to comply with EU regulations on nitrogen pollution.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Citizens and veterans of the Canadian military at the National War Memorial in Ottawa to protest Justin Trudeau's dictatorship and vaccine mandates. Present posters: "Thank you truckers!" A reference to the Freedom Convoy, a protest that wrote the history of freedom in the world.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
After politicians' decision to close dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen to comply with absurd EU regulations on nitrogen pollution, the angry Dutch farmers have issued an ultimatum threatening to block the country's airports, ports and distribution centers.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Spanish farmers block the highway in Andalusia to protest against the increase in fuel and essential products.

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RadioGenova on Twitter
Citizens angry and hungry for the economic crisis storm and burn the offices in the parliament of Tobruk in Libya.

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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch farmers set fire to the entrance to the Epe town hall after politicians' decision to close dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen to comply with absurd EU regulations on nitrogen pollution.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Thousands of citizens in Eindhoven to support the protests of Dutch farmers.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Holland towards total paralysis. Tens of thousands of Dutch farmers block distribution centers and roads everywhere. Citizens stand in solidarity with the protests. In the video the situation in Zwolle.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch farmers close the border between Holland and Germany in Coevorden with tons of manure.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Distribution centers and supermarket chains are blocked everywhere. The shelves are almost empty. No farms, no food. Dutch farmers wins.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch farmers take their own country. Awesome!
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Mark Rutte's police brutally repress non-violent demonstrations by Dutch farmers. In Sneek, a man is violently arrested and severely beaten because he filmed the protest.

馬克·魯特的警察殘酷鎮壓荷蘭農民的非暴力示威。在 Sneek,一名男子因拍攝抗議活動而遭到暴力逮捕並遭到毒打。
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch supermarkets today. No farms, no food. Dutch farmers wins.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Holland today. No farmers, no food.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Italian taxi drivers on the hunt for politicians try to enter parliament in Rome. The patience of the Italian people is over.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Mark Rutte's police in Heerenveen shoot Dutch farmers.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch farmers burn hay bales in the middle of the highway near Apeldoorn. At the same time, Mark Rutte's police in Heerenveen shot Dutch farmers in at least two instances.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch farmers block Groningen Airport.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Close airports, ports, distribution centers, supermarket chains, roads, highways and strategic borders. Dutch farmers promised it, they are doing it. A colossal protest but no Italian media talks about this.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
The situation today in many Dutch supermarkets. No farmers, no food.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch citizens and farmers at Leeuwarden police station to bring home the underage boy whom Mark Rutte's police shot and then arrested last night. The majority of the Dutch support the farmers' protest.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
German and Dutch farmers block the 's-Heerenberg roundabout on the border between Holland and Germany.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Citizens and truckers support Dutch farmers' protest by slowing traffic and blocking roads and highways in many parts of the country. The majority of the Dutch support the farmers' protest.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Italian farmers also rise up: "We are not slaves, we are farmers! We cannot make ends meet!" Then a warning to politicians: "Let's come to Rome!" The unjustified and nefarious increase in raw materials and basic necessities have brought the agricultural sector to its knees.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Polish farmers also rise up in Warsaw: "That's enough! We won't let ourselves be robbed!" They accuse the political class of destabilizing production by raising interest rates, which does not stop inflation: "We workers cannot pay for the crisis created by the politicians!"
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RadioGenova on Twitter
German farmers also rise up. Dutch, Italian, Polish and German, this is growing into a global movement.
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Wow! Dutch farmers in Moerdijk with 400 tractors positioned on the lawn to make the inscription visible from above: "No farmers, no food! Help!"
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RadioGenova on Twitter
The sound of freedom. Nijmegen invaded by Dutch farmers and truckers.
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@linda6277 - 世界在進步,但是絕對不是所謂的進步人士般的進步,那進步是反道德反智慧 請見荷蘭...
tobimono2 on Twitter




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荷兰农民抗议政府:“我们需要帮助! 没有农民,就没有粮食!"
Top News on Twitter
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RadioGenova on Twitter
Dutch citizens support farmers everywhere in the Netherlands.
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為地球盡心力!澳工黨提案七年減碳排30% - 國際 - 自由時報電子報

老船长 Senior Captain on Twitter

Mild Zhangxianzhong on Twitter

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緩緩不可思議 on Twitter
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荷蘭 如何在一个周末内在高速公路下建造隧道
How Things Work on Twitter
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阿姆斯特丹紅燈區「禁戶外呼麻」 祭歷史性禁令甩頭痛麻煩 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
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減少碳排 法國禁國內短程航線 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
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0622 愛爾蘭政府正在考慮在未來三年內殺死20萬頭奶牛,以實現其氣候目標。 批評者說這個計劃很荒謬。
DW News on Twitter
The Wheel Turns ... 〓〓 on Twitter

環保真是門好生意 永續社運
@lester850 - 地球暖化教的瘋狂行徑 1. 愛爾蘭考慮殺掉2萬頭牛, 以達到歐盟的減碳目標 2...