《格蕾絲與弗蘭基》(Grace and Frankie)和《柯明斯基理論》(The Kominsky Method)《道德蕩婦》(The Ethical Slut)的作者、78歲的多西·伊斯頓(Dossie Easton)說:「等你老了,就會學會如何解決問題。克萊因Jessica Klein)2022年5月6日(Credit: tt Images)圖像來源,GEY社會喜歡關注Z世代(Gen Z)和千禧一代(Millennials)的性生活和約會
隨著年齡增長 性愛是「走下坡路」還是「漸入佳境」? - BBC News 中文
Are Baby Boomers having the best time in bed?
Similarly, research on the sex lives of adults in their 60s to 80s, conducted by Dr Peggy Kleinplatz, director of the optimal sexual-experiences research team at the University of Ottawa, overwhelmingly showed the subjects’ intimate lives had improved with the years.
And a 2018 study out of Israel showed that adults aged 60 to 91 had transitioned their focus “from lust to love” and from “getting to giving” sex over time.

With a body of research suggesting skill, expertise and better communication in both sexual and romantic desires come with experience
「我死了也沒人知道」——疫情下的香港「籠民」 - BBC News 中文