Luke Skywanker This book is fun, charming, and conveniently divided into really short chapters (my favorite kind). The editor is the girl in the middle.
I realize it's presumptuous of me to assume you haven't read it lol
Luke Skywanker
I actually don't know about it!
Luke Skywanker
I always want to know about things. I've been in this for three months you know.
Luke Skywanker
but I was given this today:
Wow, that's quite a gift
Luke Skywanker
Jennifer is very generous and insane. Today we were watching a doc called Composing the Beatles Songbook and she disappeared into her room for a second and came out and said, "this seems like a good time for the second half of your birthday present" and handed that to me
Luke Skywanker
god I'm going to miss her, do you want to move in with me?
Give me thirty minutes to ditch the husband!
Luke Skywanker