King of Games
[Knitting] Cascade Yarns donations to MAGA - I guess we just can't have literally anything...
King of Games
King of Games
omg gross
King of Games
Reading the comments apparently the owner of Cascade also shit talks crochet and only wants ttheir yarn used for 'proper crafts' like knittiing???
King of Games
what the fuck???
King of Games
and Barnaby Smalls too in case you're interested
King of Games
Like I'm not surprised, there was that whole fiasco with the far right TERF knitting blog. which ironically I think was called BLOCKED.
King of Games
because they were being cancelled on other platforms for their views.
King of Games
or whatever
King of Games
and needed a 'safe space' to spew their bile
King of Games
why is it always the shitty anti-free speech people who need safe spaces?
they're just that fragile
Oh, that's shitty. :C
Barnaby Smalls
King of Games
Cascade is the cheapest "good" yarn around. which is unfortunate.
King of Games
I've heard good stuff about valley farms. And when I signed up for the WEBS knitting retreat I think I get a swag bag with some samples.
King of Games
i'll let you guys know
Barnaby Smalls
actually usually i like Cascade but the merino/nylon blend i bought is awful, i'd never get it again
King of Games
eugh. oh no.
bleu cheese
you'd think if any hobby was safe from insanity it'd be knitting, but alas /:
King of Games
I think the weirdest hobby related thing I've ever encountered is I used to have a live 50 gallon brackish aquarium (live plants/wood/whole ecosystem thing) and I was at the local aquarium store and they had kicked a guy out who wasn't allowed to come back because he had found some passage in the bible about not keeping fish and kept harassing them.
Barnaby Smalls
King of Games
it was exceptionally bizarre
King of Games
but knitting is apparently a dumpster fire if you're actually in any communities.
King of Games
I'm excited to see the chat during my fiber retreat. I'll keep you guys posted on juicy gossip
bleu cheese
wtf @ bible fish guy
bleu cheese
isn't like half the bible dedicated to catching and eating fish
bleu cheese
anyway, please do, I enjoy hobby gossip even for hobbies I'm not in
King of Games
i think that was the problem? keeping them as pets and not eating them was a perversion?
King of Games
i think???? im not 100% on his mantras.