
Horrible Goose
Laptop died.
Horrible Goose
John at the texting meme
Horrible Goose
Ooh, yay. 56000 bill. Because my surgery doesn't match my gender.
Horrible Goose
Kidlet #2 said "I'm sorry Ace got turned into a donut."
Horrible Goose
Ask me my top 5 anything!
Horrible Goose
There is something so delightful about a grown man baby talking to a pet.
Horrible Goose
Heading out for a family trip to visit a traveling dinosaur exhibit
Horrible Goose
[History][Doubleplurking/spam]The Hatpin's Criminal Legacy 📍
Horrible Goose
Does anyone know what to karma freeze on to land at 100 flat?
Horrible Goose
<---Alphonse, formerly Link
Horrible Goose
Alphonse, Snufkin was the last name change.
Horrible Goose
Horrible Goose
[double plurking] My back hates me.
Horrible Goose
Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask talk here.
Horrible Goose
Does anyone have a link to the video these came from?
Horrible Goose
I don't love Valentine's day, I'm kind of neutral about it, but I'm having a date tonight anyway.
Horrible Goose
I know this is obvious but I'm taking a break from RP. It's causing more stress than I can handle right now. This is all me, my issues. I have great RP partners and the blame ain't with them.
Horrible Goose
Talking Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, and Spirit Tracks in here.
Horrible Goose
I've got the flu, and it's miserable stuff. My whole family is ill. They have an unknown virus and there's nothing to be done but rest and stay hydrated.
Horrible Goose
Spending time at my mom's. Had a great lunch.
Horrible Goose
My son is sending me pictures of his fandom crushes and having me rate them. This night is full of things I didn't want to know.
Horrible Goose
We went to the aquarium.
Horrible Goose
[Celebrity Death]
Horrible Goose
Alphonse/Costantine/Send Lwyds and so forth
Horrible Goose
I'm dreading 2025 and can't enjoy the New Year. It's just incoming awful and I don't feel like celebrating.
Horrible Goose
[Morbid humor] John's dad's and grandparent's ashes were in their new urns in the dining room so we got to eat with the whole family again.
Horrible Goose
All of the girls hanging out. Jack was sulking in the room after being pulled out of a trash can.
Horrible Goose
[baby/blended families]FacebookThis is so wholesome.
Horrible Goose
Valerie June put out a couple of songs! I love her voice so much.Valerie June - I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Offi...Valerie June – Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Offi...
Horrible Goose
I'm just not good at keeping up. Slow is the new norm again. Please forgive me, the holidays are fucking my tag drive up.