Ceejay Writer
Well. First day of heavy yard work, and I managed to drop a sharp pair of snips on my FOOT and they landed POINT FIRST and went deep into my BIG TOE through my shoes.

Ceejay Writer
I actually didn't know I'd been stabbed till we came inside hours later and when I took off my shoe my sock was caked with blood. I thought at first the pain was just the weight of the snips bruising me.

Ceejay Writer
Note to self: Get heavier garden shoes.

Ceejay Writer
And I learned yet one more thing I can make out of dandelions. Fake capers!
Dandelion Capers


oh noooooooooooooooooo

oh no!!! your poor toe!!!

T. A. Lowery
composite toed shoes. Not cheap, but well worth it.

Ceejay Writer
I admit to having grown lax about gardening shoes since I've never had any injury to my feet in my entire life (till now). But I'll be shopping very shortly for something less canvassy, that's for damn sure.

Ceejay Writer
Today my toe aches and is a slight bit tingly. Circulation seems fine and I can wiggle it, though.

So sorry about your toe! Makes me think twice about wearing sandals this year to get rid of my scary white feet no-tan. Curious about the DCs. I made nasturtium capers once. They were awful.

Ceejay Writer
Hmm. Nasturtium capers were also suggested, and I was wondering about them. Thanks for the heads up!

Stereo Nacht
Ow! I hope your toe heals quickly!

Ceejay Writer
They were just way too vingary. White vinegary. Something to mellow that out and cut the acid with some umami might have been nice but I just chucked them.

Ceejay Writer
If I can get enough picked, I'll try tiny jars and various pickling methods. My dill pickle brine recipe included.

At first glance, I thought you started that with "If I can get pickled enough..."

Have you had a tetanus shot within the last 5 years? If not, hie thee to the clinic and get one asap.

The bacteria lives in soil, and puncture wounds are an issue because they are too deep to thoroughly clean out with soap and water.

Ceejay Writer
Yep, I'm up to date on all my shots, but thanks for thinking of that, Foggy!