有鑑於她在2011年開始進行女性化激素療法,這位病患的疾病史表現了明顯的性別不一致。在我們的第一次會面時,她使用口服螺內酯(spironolactone, 50 mg po bid)、雌二醇(2 mg po bid),以及黃體固醇(100 mg po bid)粉末。由於驚恐症(panic disorder)與失眠問題,她偶爾服用可那氮平(clonazepam)與佐沛眠(zolpidem)。除了口服雌二醇以外,她沒有接觸血栓性栓塞的危險因子,也沒有這方面的個人或家族病史;此外,她並不吸菸。
在這個療程中,患者使用從加拿大取得的多潘立酮,一種在當地經常作為催乳劑標示外使用使用的藥物。多潘立酮在美國本土是不能當作催乳劑使用的,因為 FDA 擔心靜脈注射這種藥物的患者,有心律不整、心臟驟停和猝死的風險;FDA 也曾警告過,這種藥物在嬰孩身上的影響與風險不明。許多研究顯示,多潘立酮可以提升泌乳激素量與泌乳量,但這種干預是否有必要仍不確定;患者使用了吸乳器,這在多潘立酮之外大概也使有她的泌乳激素量提高。
: 好像是耶......因為這段的due date是預產日 "Three months after starting treatment, 2 weeks before the baby's due date, the patient was making 8 oz of breast milk per day."
Interestingly, it’s unclear what was the patient’s serum testosterone level, because two markedly different results were given, one in the body of text – 256 ng/dL – and another in the results table 1. – 20.52 ng/dL.
This is problematic not only because it constitutes a glaring inconsistency within the report, but also because the higher result indicates that the patient had male testosterone levels.
75% of trans-identified men on spironolactone fail to reach testosterone level in the female range, and those who augment the treatment with estradiol have variable response, there is no reliable evidence that adequate androgen blockade was achieved, even though authors claimed that androgen blockade was an important part of the regimen.
Because there are no studies proving absence of risk, there are ethical issues with enabling a man whose testosterone suppression isn’t adequately demonstrated, to breastfeed a potentially female infant.
Furthermore, there’s no evidence that the patient stopped using clonazepam , which can cause sedation in infants, or zolpidem (also known as Ambien), which could exacerbate effects of clonazepam, after the breastfeeding commenced.
When we talk about safety of drugs in breastfeeding, we weigh benefits of breastfeeding on health and bonding between mother and child, with risks of withdrawing medically necessary medicines mother might be taking.
Considering that a 5 lb baby needs about 12 oz of breastmilk, and more as their weight increases. 8 oz was clearly never enough, so authors’ claim that their patient managed to achieve the volume of milk that allowed him to be the sole source of nourishment for her child for 6 weeks is incorrect.
Furthermore, the authors’ claim that at 6 weeks, the patient began supplementing breastfeedings with 4–8 oz of Similac brand formula daily and they ressure us but give no evidence that “the child’s pediatrician reported that the child’s growth, feeding, and bowel habits were developmentally appropriate”.
This raises serious concerns about authenticity of the entire report. As far as can be ascertained from the study, authors never observed any breastfeeding nor did they meet the mother or the infant.
The authors of this study gave no indication that they analysed the content of this man’s nipple discharge, even though they talked at length about benefits of breastfeeding on mother and baby, none of which were applicable to their male patient or indeed the infant he allegedly fed.
22/5/22 更新:戀花在底下補充摘譯了醫師對這份報告的分析
成果:一名三十歲的跨性別女性來到我們的診所,希望能親自為她收養的嬰兒哺乳,她在過去六年中接受了女性化激素療法(feminizing hormone therapy)。在攝取多潘立酮(domperidone)、雌二醇(estradiol)、黃體固酮(progesterone)與使用吸乳器(breast pump)後,她得以達到足夠在前六週單獨哺養嬰孩的泌乳量。這個案例顯示,在特定條件下,可以誘發跨性別女性分泌適量而有作用的乳汁。
有鑑於她在2011年開始進行女性化激素療法,這位病患的疾病史表現了明顯的性別不一致。在我們的第一次會面時,她使用口服螺內酯(spironolactone, 50 mg po bid)、雌二醇(2 mg po bid),以及黃體固醇(100 mg po bid)粉末。由於驚恐症(panic disorder)與失眠問題,她偶爾服用可那氮平(clonazepam)與佐沛眠(zolpidem)。除了口服雌二醇以外,她沒有接觸血栓性栓塞的危險因子,也沒有這方面的個人或家族病史;此外,她並不吸菸。
初診時,患者是一位討人喜歡的女性,發育成熟、營養良好。以譚納標準(Tanner scale)而言,她的乳房達到五級。
第一次驗血(laboratory results)顯示,她的血液中有119 pg/mL的雌二醇,8.70 ng/mL的黃體固酮,9.5 ng/nL的泌乳激素,48 nmol/L的性激素結合球蛋白,和256 ng/dL的睪固酮。
患者從加拿大取得了多潘立酮,這種藥物原用於止吐,但在各國都作為催乳劑而標示外使用(off-label)。最早的劑量是10 mg po tid,同時間,患者也收到使用吸乳器的指示,一次五分鐘。
一個月後,患者再次前來檢查,此時她已有能力產出小滴的乳汁。多潘立酮的用量加倍,黃體固酮用量增加至每日200 mg,雌二醇用量增加至每日8 mg,一天使用六次吸乳器。
在她開始這套療法的三個月後、嬰兒預產期的兩週前,患者每天產出八盎司的乳汁。雌二醇用量下降至每日0.025 mg,黃體固酮用量則回到100 mg。
如果是現任伴侶跟別人的小孩(或者精子銀行那類),會說是 adopted infant 嗎?我不知道,報告裡看起來也只有一個嬰兒
是說所以收養的喝的是配方奶嗎,感覺反而逃過一劫啊(欸)"Three months after starting treatment, 2 weeks before the baby's due date, the patient was making 8 oz of breast milk per day."
同覺得有股AG味兒(? 想到跨寡婦故事裡面的這一段:
這就是我上面所說過的!! 在看過跨寡婦故事之後我實在都很難相信這些人說自己的伴侶如何如何地主動或剛好配合了他的需要。
shxt,我甚至有點懷疑我上面提到的「領養的嬰兒」和「伴侶懷胎的嬰兒」的矛盾根本是造假過程中出的小bug。對啊女人多半富有同情心,所以Kellie Jay總是在節目上呼籲大家把同情優先分配給女人
啊當然還是有那種讓人不知從何處同情起的變態,不過那種人大家一眼就看懂了吧呵呵【優質男山姥切齋藤❤雲豆】伊雪 : 我不是我沒有XDDD 很多概念/關注點都是抄Kellie的