“That fearless neighbor is out walking his dog again,” he says in one. But he exudes fury when discussing Chinese nationalists who see Mr. Putin as a hero, justified in attacking Ukraine.「英勇無畏的鄰居又開始遛狗了,」他在其中一個影片中說。但在談到將普丁視為英雄、有正當理由攻擊烏克蘭的中國民族主義者時,他流露出憤怒。He then turned his camera on himself.「昨天晚上到現在,空襲警報響了至少不下三次,教堂的鐘聲也響了不止三次」在烏克蘭,一名中國影片部落客挑戰中國官方宣傳
“Some people tell me that nowadays it’s a society where the strong devour the weak, where power comes from the barrel of a gun. Who said that? Where is the sense in that?” 「為什麼你害怕人們知道真相?」他說。「為什麼只有為殺戮叫好的聲音才能夠被發出去?」他繼續說。「有人告訴我,現在是弱肉強食的社會,槍杆子裡面出政權。誰說的?哪的道理?」