Someone shared a clipping from my hometown paper from years ago. Notice anything?
No men.
potato boyo
all listed by their husbands name tho
Is this back when America was great?
and all white
Super Near
I hate when people are called their husband’s name
that must've been a progressive town. the women are allowed to leave their house, and even to play "committee"!
though i don't understand why they would want to do that. taking care of the husband, home and family should be enough for every god-fearing woman.
Immortal Socks
Super Near - yep. Drives me insane. Like women aren't even people.
Max Graf
Why they are not at home breeding I can't fathom.
Super Near
My grandma insists on addressing all my card to Mrs Simon. I’ve been Nicola for 33 years, it didn’t suddenly change in 2012
My ex mother in law addressed my daughter as "<boyfriend's name>'s girlfriend" in a card once. We were both flabbergasted.
You gotta know who's wimmen they are in case you wanna complain about them or steal them!
My grandmother had all her stationary printed with “Mrs Maurice XXX”. As weird as it sounds, my mum insists that it was her choice.
On the other hand, I had something sent to me with Alex’s last name and it pisses me off.
But people sometimes call him by my name and he doesn’t even mind.
Wow. They’re doing all the work, and their husbands are getting all the glory. Good old-fashioned values....
Immortal Socks
My wife likes being Mrs.x but that's her choice. I think it's sweet but it's her choice.
Immortal Socks
And neither I nor she would ever address someone else that way.
Oh, well yeah... I'm Mrs. H but I'm not Mrs. Otto H. Also, I feel weird when people call me Mrs. H... like even at 51 I'm still not old enough to be Mrs anyone. LOL
Immortal Socks
No, I do mean she likes being called Mrs. Scott McNeal. She's weird like that. Very old-fashioned is some ways, highly progressive in others.
She's great.
This is what makes geneology so freaking hard for female ancestors - it makes me white angery
Fearyfox(Reyn) : YES! It's crazy! Its like someone's life doesn't matter. Its so hard to follow the female lines because of bullshit like this
DevinVaughn : It gets a little easier once our names are on census records, but even then.... [at least census records used our first names]
Fearyfox(Reyn) : Census records are a whole other level of crazy. The spelling is so... creative.
Super Near
My family’s name changed because someone misheard it, wrote it down wrong and it stuck. We went from Chegwidden to Chegwin and no one bothered to change it back
Foggy : omg, yes.... especially with none English origin names. And my dad's side was mostly German and my mom is Eastern European....
Well, her family - she's from NJ
Super Near : On my Mom's side a name went from Mabillet to Mabille to Mabie.