And Ichigo got really fucking flat and boring later on in the story because he didn’t have any motivation for staying involved in the story beyond “if I don’t Aizen-” or whoever “-will kill all my friends”
Would it potentially be more IC if Nadia was like... genuinely well-meaning and nice, but in a way that unfortunately wound up being kind of condescending?
Like, "I thought my parents were the strongest people in the world when I was seven and then dad got kicked by an ox and was laid up in bed and I had to do all this stuff around the house to make up for him and it was scary but also I felt really strong"
Deku watching All Might's video and asking his mom if he can be a hero, Naruto alone on the swings as the rest of his ninja class celebrates with their parents, Ichigo and Grand Fisher, Luffy knifing himself in the face in like panel one
2. It doesn't even have to be a proper sociopath - fitting the kind of story this is, it could just be that she has a rabbit she loves very much and it's a harsh winter and the boss orphan of whatever pecking order she is in goes
Naruto: become hokage so my village acknowledges my worth
become the Beast Templar's pillar of support