Memories don't fade with time so easy for angels not having meaty brains but probably among the most impactful memories would be the Rebellion, and his own Fall and the events that surrounded that
That's a very good question. Someone he loves dying maybe? He's not good at expressing emotions. Does making it snow for seventeen days count as crying?
41. What does your character wish they could forget? If they actually could make themself forget, would they take that opportunity? Would it change them?
Probably the aforementioned Fall and how he did all that, but I don't think he'd surrender it. He considers it penance having to carry that grief and memory forever. It would change who he is drastically.
Oh goodness all kinds of things. Recently checked off his list has been: eating human food. So honestly, he'd probably like to continue trying different cuisine. As for why well, he didn't need to eat and he's very practically minded. It seemed like a waste to feed him when he doesn't require it right?
Hilariously someone was hired to kill him for being a ghost that kept changing people's attitudes. So probably wanted for disrupting someone's capitalistic hellscape empire. Or casually stealing lbh the concept of ownership is weird to him.
Depends on the kind of problem. Is he directly involved in this problem? If not, he generally doesn't get involved unless asked... or if he finds a way to get someone to ask. So, generally, he doesn't? He lets other people do it.
When he does get involved it's usually through very sneaky subtle methods where he's not demonstrating that he's actually involved. Chessmaster douchebag over here.
Oh these are unusual ones!
someone get him high