Out Of Darkness
character questions
Oh these are unusual ones!
Out Of Darkness
yes I stole 'em
glamour ghoul
16, 20, 21, 41, 58 for mur 👀
Out Of Darkness
Imma get these when I'm not heading to bed I forgot to check back :x
glamour ghoul
haha ok
1,2, and 4 for Murmur please!
festive froda
1, 19 and 60 for murmur
Out Of Darkness
Okay okay today was long I crashed after work but I am here now it is time
Out Of Darkness
16. What is your character’s most vivid memory?
Out Of Darkness
Memories don't fade with time so easy for angels not having meaty brains but probably among the most impactful memories would be the Rebellion, and his own Fall and the events that surrounded that
Out Of Darkness
20. What would make your character cry?
Out Of Darkness
That's a very good question. Someone he loves dying maybe? He's not good at expressing emotions. Does making it snow for seventeen days count as crying?
Out Of Darkness
21. Are your character’s hands warm, or cold? Does it bother them? Do they ever make them someone else’s problem?
Out Of Darkness
Cold, he's a very frosty angel and he was a frosty demon. Luckily for all of you he wears gloves!
Out Of Darkness
41. What does your character wish they could forget? If they actually could make themself forget, would they take that opportunity? Would it change them?
Out Of Darkness
Probably the aforementioned Fall and how he did all that, but I don't think he'd surrender it. He considers it penance having to carry that grief and memory forever. It would change who he is drastically.
Out Of Darkness
58. What has your character never done that they would like to try? Why haven’t they done it yet?
Out Of Darkness
Oh goodness all kinds of things. Recently checked off his list has been: eating human food. So honestly, he'd probably like to continue trying different cuisine. As for why well, he didn't need to eat and he's very practically minded. It seemed like a waste to feed him when he doesn't require it right?
Out Of Darkness
show him things that are wonderful
Out Of Darkness
someone get him high
Out Of Darkness
1. Is your character…okay?
Out Of Darkness
Out Of Darkness
Out Of Darkness
He holds himself together well but he is Not okay.
Out Of Darkness
2. What would be on a wanted poster for your character?
Out Of Darkness
Hilariously someone was hired to kill him for being a ghost that kept changing people's attitudes. So probably wanted for disrupting someone's capitalistic hellscape empire. Or casually stealing lbh the concept of ownership is weird to him.
Out Of Darkness
4. What’s your character’s coffee order?
Out Of Darkness
Tea. His coffee order is tea and it is loaded with sugar
Out Of Darkness
I have answered 1 so Imma move to 19!
Out Of Darkness
19. How does your character usually solve problems? Or are they more likely to cause them?
Out Of Darkness
Depends on the kind of problem. Is he directly involved in this problem? If not, he generally doesn't get involved unless asked... or if he finds a way to get someone to ask. So, generally, he doesn't? He lets other people do it.
Out Of Darkness
When he does get involved it's usually through very sneaky subtle methods where he's not demonstrating that he's actually involved. Chessmaster douchebag over here.
Out Of Darkness
Of course there are the rare occasions of swift, brutal, efficient termination of the source of the problem.
Out Of Darkness
TL;DR: Don't ask angels to solve your problems they make them worse or go too hard.
glamour ghoul
julia’s got drugs
Out Of Darkness
60. “Don’t get me started…” What could your character rant about with no preparation? What do they love to talk about?
Out Of Darkness
PHILOSOPHY. STARS. MAGIC BULLSHIT. He did teach philosophy as a demon that was his shtick.
Out Of Darkness
glamour ghoul
are we gonna make mur cry this month
Out Of Darkness
glamour ghoul that is a good point she should give the angel bad ideas
Out Of Darkness
festive froda
Out Of Darkness
we're definitely gonna make him nuke a city ;D
Okay the tea order is delightful and unexpected. Does he have a sweet tooth in general?
Out Of Darkness
he does!
Out Of Darkness
he's discovered sugar and will never go back
Out Of Darkness
(a particular fondness for snoball snack cakes)
Out Of Darkness
or at least, one will develop with time he hasn't picked that one up yet
Out Of Darkness
soon as he discovers vending machines it's over
glamour ghoul
fkskdjdks the fcuskding SNO BALLS
glamour ghoul
somewhere along the way in eyemind mur needs to pick up a bag of holding that’s just. full of endless snack cakes.
glamour ghoul
a fanny pack of holding. for snacks.
Out Of Darkness
snack cakes and tea will be his demonstration of solidarity