

「這場辯論的核心問題是,性別sex或性別認同gender identity,是否應構成關於安全保障、服務提供、體育分類以及婦女和女孩目前擁有的法定權利和保護等等其他領域的決策基礎。 」


那個不能說出名字的人:哈利波特20年與JK羅琳的被魔王化? | 轉角國際 udn Global
People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?

Opinion: Creating a more equal post-COVID-19 world for people who menstruate

J.K. Rowling on Twitter
‘Feminazi’, ‘TERF’, ‘bitch’, ‘witch’.
Times change. Woman-hate is eternal.

J.K. Rowling on Twitter
"I've never felt as shouted down, ignored, and targeted as a lesbian within our supposed GLBT community as I have over the past couple of years."

J.K. Rowling on Twitter
I’ve spent much of the last three years reading books, blogs and scientific papers by trans people, medics and gender specialists. I know exactly what the distinction is. Never assume that because someone thinks differently, they have no knowledge.

在過去三年,我花了很多時間在閱讀跨性別者、醫生和性別專家的書籍、博客和科學論文。 我確切地知道區別是什麼。 永遠不要假設因為某人的想法不同,他們就沒有知識。

One of my best mates just called me. Self-described butch lesbian. It was hard to tell, because she was shouting quite loudly, but I could just make out ‘FUCKING YES!’
J.K. Rowling on Twitter
If sex isn’t real, there’s no same-sex attraction. If sex isn’t real, the lived reality of women globally is erased. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. It isn’t hate to speak the truth.
J.K. Rowling on Twitter
Malcolm Clark on Twitter
Today I discovered that I was accused of hate by shadow environment minister Lloyd Russell-Moyle in the pages of
tribunemagazine. He claimed I was ‘using’ my experiences of sexual assault and domestic violence to ‘discriminate’ against trans people. 1/9
J.K. Rowling on Twitter
今天我發現我在@tribunemagazine的頁面中被影子環境部長 Lloyd Russell-Moyle 指責為仇恨。他聲稱我「利用」我的性侵犯和家庭暴力經歷來「歧視」跨性別者。 1/9
This morning, Mr Russell-Moyle issued an apology on Twitter, although he didn’t trouble to tag me in. Coincidentally, his change of heart occurred after his remarks were repeated in national newspapers with higher circulations than tribunemagazine. 2/9

今天早上,Russell-Moyle 先生在推特上發表了道歉,儘管他並沒有費心把我tag進去。巧合的是,他的言論在發行量高於@tribunemagazine的全國性報紙上發表後,他改變了主意。 2/9
For those who’d like to know what triggered the shadow minister’s original accusation, these are the relevant paragraphs of the essay I wrote a couple of weeks ago. The full piece can be read here

J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking o...
Since writing my essay, I’ve received over 3000 emails thanking me for speaking up. I’ve been brought to tears many times while reading, sometimes out of gratitude for their kindness, but also because many women have shared their own experiences of violence & sexual assault. 4/9
自從寫完文章以來,我已經收到了 3000 多封電子郵件,感謝我的發聲。我在閱讀時多次落淚,有時是出於對她們的好意的感激,但也因為許多女性分享了她們自己的暴力和性侵犯經歷。 4/9
Some emails came from professionals working in women’s refuges, the prison service, the social work system, the criminal justice system and the police. All expressed concerns about the aims and methods of current trans activism. 5/9

一些電子郵件來自在婦女庇護所、監獄服務、社會工作系統、刑事司法系統和警察部門工作的專業人士。所有人都對當前跨性別激進主義的目標和方法表示擔憂。 5/9
As I stated in my essay, my primary worry is the risks to vulnerable women. As everyone knows, I’m no longer reliant on communal facilities, nor am I likely to be imprisoned or need a women's refuge any time soon. I’m not arguing for the privileged, but the powerless. 6/9

正如我的文章,我主要擔心的是弱勢女性面臨的風險。眾所周知,我不再依賴公共設施,也不太可能很快被監禁或需要女性庇護所。我不是為特權族群爭論,而是為弱勢族群。 6/9
When so-called leftists like lloyd_rm demand that we give up our hard won sex-based rights, they align themselves squarely with men’s rights activists. To both groups, female trauma is white noise, an irrelevance, or else exaggerated or invented.
Unisex changing rooms put women in danger
當像@lloyd_rm這樣的所謂左派要求我們放棄我們來之不易的基於性別的權利時,他們會直接與男權活動家結盟。對這兩個群體來說,女性創傷都是白噪音,無關緊要,或者被誇大或虛構。 7/9


《星期日泰晤士報》的研究顯示,男女共用不分性別的更衣室對婦女和女孩來說,比單一性別設施更危險。在游泳池和體育中心更衣室中,近 90% 的性侵犯、騷擾和偷窺發生在男女共用的設施中,占總數不到一半。
Andrea Dworkin wrote: ‘Men often react to women’s words—speaking and writing—as if they were acts of violence; sometimes men react to women’s words with violence.’ It isn't hateful for women speak about their own experiences, nor do they deserve shaming for doing so. 8/9
安德里亞·德沃金寫道:“男人經常對女人的話——說話和寫作——做出反應,就好像她們作出暴力行為一樣;有時男人會以暴力回應女人的言論。女性談論自己的經歷並不可恨,她們這樣做也不因此被羞辱。 8/9
I accept lloyd_rm 's apology in the hope that he’ll dig a little deeper than hashtags and slogans. He might then understand why increasing numbers of people are deeply concerned about UKLabour ’s position on women’s rights. 9/9

我接受@lloyd_rm的道歉,希望他能比主題標籤和口號更深入一點。他可能會明白為什麼越來越多的人深切關注@UKLabour對婦女權利的立場。 9/9
I feel like cis women like JK are the kind that resent their own ovaries for giving them emotion and feelings. like BITCH GIMME THOSE
我感覺像 JK羅琳 這種順性別女人,是會怨恨自己的卵巢給她們情感和感覺的人。 像婊子給我那些
J.K. Rowling on Twitter
So true. Without my ovaries I wouldn’t have feelings or emotions. My husband is basically a fleshy robot incapable of feeling either pain or pleasure, whereas I, with my ovaries, am a frantic whirl of giddy emotion. progressive definitelynotmisogyny
如此真實。沒有我的卵巢,我就沒有感覺或情緒。我的丈夫基本上是一個肉肉的機器人,既感覺不到痛苦也感覺不到快樂,而我,帶著我的卵巢,卻是一個情緒激動的瘋狂漩渦。 進步派 絕對不是厭女症
you are excluding trans woman yet again because we don't have ovaries
你又把跨性別女人排除在外了,因為我們沒有卵巢 {中指}{中指}{中指}{中指}
So Tweeter A is allowed to demand my ovaries, but I’m not allowed to talk about my ovaries, because you haven’t got ovaries? Seems fair.

J.K. Rowling on Twitter
couldn't agree more. We're no more our scars than we're our worst fears. All a scar means is that you went through something and endured SupportDetransitioners
我完全同意。 我們不再是我們的傷疤,而是我們最害怕的事情。 所有的傷疤都意味著你經歷了一些事情並忍受了
I've ignored fake tweets attributed to me and RTed widely. I've ignored porn tweeted at children on a thread about their art. I've ignored death and rape threats. I'm not going to ignore this. 1/11
J.K. Rowling on Twitter
我忽略了歸咎於我並廣泛轉發的虛假推文。我忽略了在兒童創作主題推文下面回應的色情內容。我忽略了死亡和強姦威脅。我不會忽視這一點。 1/11
When you lie about what I believe about mental health medication and when you misrepresent the views of a trans woman for whom I feel nothing but admiration and solidarity, you cross a line. 2/11

當你對我對心理健康藥物的看法說謊,當你歪曲一個讓我欽佩和團結的跨性別女人的觀點時,你越界了。 2/11
I’ve written and spoken about my own mental health challenges, which include OCD, depression and anxiety. I did so recently in my essay ‘TERF Wars’. I’ve taken anti-depressants in the past and they helped me.3/11

我寫過和談論過我自己的心理健康挑戰,包括強迫症、抑鬱和焦慮。我最近在我的論文“TERF Wars”中這樣做了。我過去服用過抗抑鬱藥,它們對我有幫助。 3/11
Many health professionals are concerned that young people struggling with their mental health are being shunted towards hormones and surgery when this may not be in their best interests. 4/11

許多健康專業人士擔心,在心理健康方面苦苦掙扎的年輕人被轉介到激素和手術治療,而這可能不符合他們的最佳利益。 4/11
Many, myself included, believe we are watching a new kind of conversion therapy for young gay people, who are being set on a lifelong path of medicalisation that may result in the loss of their fertility and/or full sexual function. 5/11

許多人,包括我自己,相信我們正在關註一種針對年輕同性戀者的新型轉換療法,他們正走上終身醫療之路,這可能會導致他們喪失生育能力和/或完整的性功能。 5/11
These concerns were explored by the recent BBC documentary about the Tavistock Clinic. Whistleblowers were talking about transitions driven by homophobia.
NHS child gender clinic: Staff welfare concerns ‘shu...

最近 BBC 關於Tavistock診所的紀錄片探討了這些問題。告密者正在談論由同性戀恐懼症驅動的轉換性別療法。
As I’ve said many times, transition may be the answer for some. For others, it won’t – witness the accounts of detransitioners.
“The system sees surgery as the easy fix to girls who do not conform.”
https://bit.ly/... 7/11

正如我多次說過的,轉換性別可能是某些人的答案。 對於其他人來說,它不會——見證脫跨者的說法。
「該系統將手術視為對"不順從的女孩"的簡單解決方式。」 7/11
Sophie is a trans woman and a true feminist ally. She was making the point that anti-depressants were over-prescribed to teenagers in the past, with serious consequences.
Teens and Antidepressants: The Case for Holistic Tre...
蘇菲是一位跨性別女性,也是一位真正的女性主義盟友。她指出,過去對青少年過度服用抗抑鬱藥,後果很嚴重。 8/11
The long-term health risks of cross-sex hormones have been now been tracked over a lengthy period. These side-effects are often minimised or denied by trans activists.
Hormone therapy during gender transition may increas...
Carl Henegan, professor of evidence-based medicine at Oxford University, has described the off-label use of puberty blockers on under-18s as an ‘unregulated live experiment on children’.
Calls to end transgender ‘experiment on children’

牛津大學循證醫學教授Carl Henegan)將青春期阻滯劑在 18 歲以下的核准標示外使用描述為“不受監管的兒童現場實驗”。
None of that may trouble you or disturb your belief in your own righteousness. But if so, I can’t pretend I care much about your bad opinion of me. 11/11
以上這些都不會困擾你或擾亂你對自己正義的信念。但如果是如此,我也不能假裝我很在乎你對我的負面看法。 11/11
PS I've just realised you can't see Sophie's/Manaxium's tweet in the screenshot above, so you can't see how cynically TrinerScot has misrepresented her.
PS 我剛剛意識到你在上面的截圖中看不到 Sophie/Manaxium 的推文,所以你看不出@TrinerScot 是多麼憤世嫉俗地歪曲了她。
PPS 我剛剛意識到與出色的Charlie Evans關於 detransitioners 的文章的鏈接不起作用。
Charlie Evans on ‘Inventing Transgender Children and...
Lorelei 🌕🧙‍♀️🕸🍄🦖 on Twitter
trans liberation now 現在就要跨性別解放
don't be a cissy 不要做娘炮
trans rights are human rights 跨性別權利是人權
Last Friday, my family’s address was posted on Twitter by three activist actors who took pictures of themselves in front of our house, carefully positioning themselves to ensure that our address was visible. 1/8
J.K. Rowling on Twitter
上週五,我家庭的地址被三位激進分子在推特上發布,他們在我們家門前拍了自己的照片,小心地調整位置以確保我們的地址明顯可見。 1/8
I want to say a massive thank you to everybody who reported the image to TwitterSupport . Your kindness and decency made all the difference to my family and me. I’d also like to thank PoliceScotland for their support and assistance in this matter. 2/8

I implore those people who retweeted the image with the address still visible, even if they did so in condemnation of these people’s actions, to delete it. 3/8

我懇請那些轉發了地址仍然可見的圖片的人刪除它,即使他們這樣做是為了譴責這些人的行為。 3/8
Over the last few years I’ve watched, appalled, as women like Allison Bailey, Raquel Sanchez, Marion Miller, Rosie Duffield, Joanna Cherry, Julie Bindel, Rosa Freedman, Kathleen Stock and many, many others, including women who have no public profile 4/8
在過去的幾年裡,我震驚的目睹了像 Allison Bailey、Raquel Sanchez、Marion Miller、Rosie Duffield、Joanna Cherry、Julie Bindel、Rosa Freedman、Kathleen Stock 等許許多多其他女性,包括沒有公開個人資訊的女性
but who’ve contacted me to relate their experiences, have been subject to campaigns of intimidation which range from being hounded on social media, the targeting of their employers, all the way up to doxing and direct threats of violence, including rape. 5/8
那些與我聯繫,講述她們的經歷的女性,都受到了恐嚇活動的影響,從在社交媒體上被跟蹤、以他們的雇主為目標,到人肉個資和直接的暴力威脅,包括強姦。 5/8
None of these women are protected in the way I am. They and their families have been put into a state of fear and distress for no other reason than that they refuse to uncritically accept that the socio-political concept of gender identity should replace that of sex. 6/8
這些女人都沒有像我這樣受到(公權力)保護。她們和她們的家人被置於恐懼和痛苦的狀態中,除了她們拒絕不加批判地接受「性別認同的社會-政治概念應該取代生理性別」之外,沒有其他原因。 6/8
I have to assume that IAmGeorgiaFrost, hollywstars and Richard_Energy_ thought doxxing me would intimidate me out of speaking up for women’s sex-based rights. They should have reflected on the fact that 7/8

我必須假設@IAmGeorgiaFrost、hollywstars和@Richard_Energy_認為對我進行人肉搜索會嚇倒我,不敢再為女性的基於性別的權利發聲。他們應該反思 7/8
I’ve now received so many death threats I could paper the house with them, and I haven’t stopped speaking out. Perhaps – and I’m just throwing this out there – the best way to prove your movement isn’t a threat to women, is to stop stalking, harassing and threatening us. 8/X
我現在收到了太多的死亡威脅,我可以用它們來貼滿房子,而且我一直沒有停止發聲。也許——我只是把它扔在那裡——證明你的運動對女性沒有威脅的最好方法,是停止跟踪、騷擾和威脅我們。 8/X
War is Peace.
Freedom is Slavery.
Ignorance is Strength.
The Penised Individual Who Raped You Is a Woman.
J.K. Rowling on Twitter

Small but important point: I’ve never said there are only two genders. There are innumerable gender identities. 1/3
小而重要的一點:我從來沒有說過只有兩種性別。有無數的性別認同。 1/3

J.K. Rowling on Twitter
The question at the heart of this debate is whether sex or gender identity should form the basis of decisions on safeguarding, provision of services, sporting categories and other areas where women and girls currently have legal rights and protections. 2/3
這場辯論的核心問題是,性別或性別認同,是否應構成關於保障、提供服務、體育類別以及婦女和女孩目前擁有合法權利和保護的其他領域的決策基礎。 2/3
Using the words ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ interchangeably obscures the central issue of this debate.

If you’re interested in what I actually said, see in which I literally say ‘trans lives matter’ and ‘t...

J.K. Rowling Writes about Her Reasons for Speaking o...

J.K.羅琳寫她為什麼在性和性別問題上大聲疾呼 - J.K.羅琳 (jkrowling.com) (Pl...
paper the house應該不是報導房子?之前有看過其他翻譯是說死亡威脅多到可以當壁紙
阿霧💚💙💗❤️🧡 : 謝謝您,趕緊修正一下
我們正在經歷我經歷過的最厭惡女性的時期。 早在80年代,我就想像我未來的女兒們,如果我有的話,會比以往任何時候都好得多,但在對女權主義的強烈反對和色情飽和的網絡文化之間,我相信女孩們的情況變得更糟了 . 我從未見過女性像現在這樣被詆毀和非人性化(denigrated and dehumanised)。
「女人」不是服裝。 「女人」不是男人頭腦中的想法。「女人」不是粉紅色的大腦,不是喜歡Jimmy Choos或任何其他現在以某種方式被吹捧為進步的性別歧視思想(any of the other sexist ideas now somehow touted as progressive.)。
將女性稱為「月經人menstruators」和「外陰的人people with vulvas」的「包容性inclusive」語言讓許多女性感到不人道和有辱人格(dehumanising and demeaning)。

在英國,女性正在跨黨派相互聯繫,擔心她們來之不易的權利受到侵蝕和普遍的恐嚇。 與我交談過的性別批判女性(gender critical women)中沒有一個仇恨跨性別者。

而最具諷刺意味的是,試圖用「TERF」這個詞讓女性保持沉默的嘗試可能推動了比該運動幾十年來更多的年輕女性走向基進女性主義(radical feminism)。
轉角之前寫Dave Chapplle也是這種五十大板的邏輯,我發現他們一直重複「只要沒有身無分文落魄街頭,就不算取消文化」的思維。之前說Chapplle的喜劇表演還是一票難求場場爆滿再加開,所以說他被迫害簡直言過其實,他不是還很有錢嗎?這裡說羅琳還是收的到版稅,還是有在出書,所以不是真正被取消,好像她的版稅要充公、禁止寫作才算取消文化一樣。如果有人眾叛親離,就說他因為歧視成為眾矢之的,如果發現還是有人挺,就說他根本沒受到什麼傷害,真的是讓他們說就好了。

羅琳那則推文是所謂的恐跨? 恐跨定義是什麼? 跟恐同定義一樣嗎? 排跨定義是什麼??仇跨的定義是什麼?跟仇恨語言定義是一樣的嗎?
他們都是該領域的Top了所以真的很扯,美國Stand up Comedy不可能不提Chappelle,兒少奇幻不可能不提哈利波特,可是突然就變成不可說的人。有個喜劇演員因為跟Chappelle 合照被罵立刻道歉「因為是認識他30年的老朋友了所以才會去合照打招呼,我很抱歉這對LGBTQ造成的傷害」我覺得這真的太恐怖,根本抄家滅族