事工 insight that faith without works is dead.”
The cause of death was cancer, the Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation said, adding that Tutu had died in a care facility. He was first diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1997 and was hospitalized several times in the years since, amid recurring fears that the disease had spread.
ANC corruption and mismanagement, Tutu again assailed the government, this time in terms that would have once been unimaginable.
“This government, our government, is worse than the apartheid government,” he said, “because at least you were expecting it with the apartheid government.”
Politics were inherent in his religious teachings.
“We had the land, and they had the Bible,” he said in one of his parables. “Then they said, ‘Let us pray,’ and we closed our eyes. When we opened them again, they had the land, and we had the Bible. Maybe we got the better end of the deal.”
89, after President F.W. de Klerk had at last started to dismantle apartheid, Tutu stepped aside, handing the leadership of the struggle back to Mandela on his release from prison in 1990.
But Tutu did not stay entirely out of the nation’s business.
He preached forbearance, but, as he insisted to X magazine in 1980 “I am a man of peace, but not a pacifist.”他宣揚寬容,但正如他在80年對基督教世紀雜誌所堅稱的那樣,「我是一個愛好和平的人,但不是一個和平主義者。」“I will never tell someone to pick up a gun,” he said in another interview “But I will pray for the man who picks up the gun, pray that he will be less cruel than he might otherwise have been,
“But I will pray for the man who picks up the gun, pray that he will be less cruel than he might otherwise have been, because he is a member of the community. We are going to have to decide: If this civil war escalates,如若世界大戰升級 職責為何 what is our ministry going to be?”