We know a dozen different Arthurs now, all of them true. The Shire changed irrevocably even in Bilbo's lifetime. Don Quixote went riding out to Argentina and met Jorge Luis Borges there. Plus c'est la même chose, plus ça change.
It's been a joy to me to go back to Earthsea and find it still there, entirely familiar, and yet changed and still changing. What I thought was going to happen isn't what's happening, people aren't who or what I thought they were, and I lose my way on islands I thought I knew by heart.
We know a dozen different Arthurs now, all of them true.
─《Tales from Earthsea》Foreword
things change:
authors and wizards are not always to be trusted:
nobody can explain a dragon.
我腦中的亞瑟王已經被Fate系列污染了,算上臉很像的的確有十幾位了娥蘇拉·勒瑰恩奶奶誠不欺我。一千個人心中有一千個哈姆雷特,所以亞瑟王有很多個也是合理的可是百萬亞瑟已經...。要算Saber臉的話確實是有十幾位了啦梅林就算沒了鬍子還是很機車算概念上是本人的已經有9了藍劍黑劍Lily劍 泳裝弓 黑槍白槍 泳裝黑騎聖誕騎 妖精術把從者宇宙的也算就有 X殺 XX外 XA狂 共12了以上都還不用算上只是共臉的奶奶果然先知,他知道每個亞瑟王只是換了套衣服換了個職業,但她們都真的是亞瑟王啊我少算一個男亞瑟,算的話連從者宇宙都不用就已經10了XD梅林的女裝過了幾百年還是很厲害果然是先知.....