Natasha Burke
Does anyone here have low iron? My blood shows it being really low and now I have more procedures that have to be done.
I’m always anemic lol
Natasha Burke
օJεssօ have you had to get colonoscopy or anything?
Skittles 🧚🏻‍♀️
I was anaemic for years but I never had to do anything but take iron pills
Natasha Burke
Skittles 🧚🏻‍♀️ I’m assuming since mine is super low they want to rule out internal bleeding. I’m not having symptoms of that though.
Natasha Burke : no but mine is chronic I’ve always had it for as long as I can remember
Natasha Burke
օJεssօ Do you know how low your iron was? I’m just trying to see if mine is reall bad or just bad. (LOL)
Natasha Burke
Needless to say I’m a bit stressed.
Skittles 🧚🏻‍♀️
I mean, I was having a 24/7 period so they knew what my issue was
Natasha Burke
Skittles 🧚🏻‍♀️ omg, I forgot about that.
my dad and MIL
my mother in law was at like 6 and had to have a transfusion. Both were due to internal bleeding (she had an accident, my dads was mysterious)
anyway they are probably checking for internal bleeding, do you have any weird brusing?
Natasha Burke
kesseret no weird bruising
Natasha Burke
I did a little research and realized that it might be my period. I have what is considered heavy but to me it seems medium.
Natasha Burke
But I do fit into the “heavy” category for at least 2 days of my period (sometimes 3)
yeah that's possible I once described my period to my gyno and he was like "that's super heavy" and I was like oh I thought it was medium lol
very likely. but I hope it gets figured out
Natasha Burke : mine was/is almost non existent
Natasha Burke
օJεssօ : mine too
Natasha Burke
I would share a screenshot but I don’t want people to gasp (LOL)
Natasha Burke
kesseret lol I’m glad I looked that up because it doesn’t seem that heavy but it is according to what I read.
My iron is always low. They had to do two blood transfusions after my c-section because my iron was SCARY low.
My midwife says I didn't even lose that much blood during the procedure. My blood just sucks at carrying iron.
Also, my period falls between "heavy" and "very heavy"
Natasha Burke
The whole you might be internally bleeding or it might be cancer scares me. My doctor never said cancer though. She just wants me to get a tube down my throat and a colonoscopy lol
Natasha Burke
She’s also wants me to try birth control to help control my periods, I’m it sure how I feel about it.
Natasha Burke
I’m not sure* autocorrect can stop it now lol
Alicia ✿
I'm usually slightly anemic just because my period is ridiculous. But when my mom was in the hospital, it was because her anemia was SUPER bad. They do the colonoscopy (and endoscopy) just to make sure there are no bleeding ulcers or anything weird happening. With my mom, she did have 2 ulcers, so they clipped them and since then, she's been fine.
Natasha Burke
Alicia ✿ I will be having both too. It’s just kind of scary.
Sehra : I had like 3 transfusions!
օJεssօ : Oof! That is a lot!
Alicia ✿
It is scary, but better to know than not know. That way you can get treated properly.
Natasha Burke
Natasha Burke
Alicia ✿ I’m glad your mom is okay now.
Sehra : I almost died
Natasha Burke
օJεssօ oh man, I’m glad you’re ok now.
Natasha Burke : I’m having period problems
Natasha Burke
օJεssօ I wish having period issues wasn’t a thing because it sucks.
Natasha Burke : I’m going on tues to my husbands moms gyno. I legit have issues going because of multiple bad experiences. I’ve already been ruled out for pcos and fibroid like things as well as Tyroid. I’m currently on day 20 of a period. Ever since I had rj my periods are all fucked up
Natasha Burke : I go a month with nothing then a few days then month again no period then heavy as hell or two periods in one it’s all messed up. I can’t go on any BC because of my seizure meds...
I had low iron after my surgery in 2010. I addressed it with diet, but they did do a colonoscopy and other tests to make sure it wasn't something else.
Natasha Burke
I appreciate you all so much, thank you for responding.