德國COVID-19冠狀病毒疾病武漢肺炎感染人數遽增之際,總理梅克爾Angela Merkel丈夫邵爾Joachim Sauer今天指責未接種疫苗的德國人都太「懶惰」。跟法國、義大利或西班牙等其他西歐國家相比,德國疫苗接種率較低,完整接種者僅占總人口的68%,這也被認為是德國疫情捲土重來的原因之一。邵爾在義大利接受「共和報」La Repubblica訪問時表示:「還有1/3的人口拒絕遵循科學發現,這非常令人吃驚。」人在義國進行學術訪問的邵爾說,許多人不打疫苗,「一部分是因為德國人具備某種程度的懶惰和自滿。」邵爾指出,「另外一群人(之所以不願接種疫苗)則是基於個人信念,這是一種意識形態反應,他們認為這是『疫苗獨裁』」這類人也包括醫生和科學家在內
德國疫情升溫 梅克爾丈夫批未打疫苗者「懶惰」 | 國際 | 中央社 CNA
This could partly be explained by "a certain laziness and complacency of the German people" Sauer said"The other part are people who follow a personal conviction, a kind of ideological reaction to what they consider a vaccination dictatorship. This applies to all levels of education, from high to low, including academics, doctors and scientists" he added
Merkel’s husband: Some Germans are too lazy to get v... “Partly with a certain laziness and comfort of the German people.

“The others, on the other hand, are people who follow a personal conviction, a sort of ideological reaction to what they consider a vaccine dictatorship.”
Merkel's husband blames German 'laziness' for slow v...