Anyway, here’s another tip from the document: 'Tie your campaign to more popular reform.' For example: 'In Ireland, Denmark and Norway, changes to the law on legal gender recognition were put through at the same time as other more popular reforms such as marriage equality legislation.
This provided a veil of protection, particularly in Ireland, where marriage equality was strongly supported, but gender identity remained a more difficult issue to win public support for.'
'Another technique which has been used to great effect is the limitation of press coverage and exposure. In certain countries, like the UK, information on legal gender recognition reforms has been misinterpreted in the mainstream media, and opposition has arisen as a result.
A major international law firm has helped write a lobbying manual for people who want to change the law to prevent parents having the final say about significant changes in the status of their own children.
That manual advises those lobbying for that change to hide their plans behind a 'veil' and to make sure that neither the media nor the wider public know much about the changes affecting children that they are seeking to make. Because if the public find out about those changes, they might well object to them.
In a democracy, we are all free to argue for whatever policy or position we wish. But normally, anyone who wants to change the law accepts that to do so they need to win the support or, at least, the consent of the people whose authority ultimately gives the law its force.
The approach outlined, in detail, in the Dentons report amounts to a very different way of lobbying to get the laws and policies you want. Even more notably, it suggests that in several countries people have been quite successful in lobbying behind a 'veil' and in a way that deliberately avoids the attention of the public.
跨權支持者要求「僅憑自我認定Self ID」就要法律承認他們的性別認同,並且主張跨性別不需要具有性別不安的精神科診斷,一但面對自我認定是跨性別的犯罪者就說他們通通不是跨性別。
比較傳統的跨女會說他們不會隨意裸露身體,不願意使用陰莖性交;新一代的跨女們卻主張他們有權使用裸體的女性設施,例如美國的Wi SPA事件,或是稱他們生殖器官為女性的生殖器官,female penis或是girl dick,並且強烈主張他們的生殖權,如檯面上一份聯署書就強調傳宗接代的責任,還有英美都有大量真實的個案證明自稱的跨女會以陰莖性侵他人。
For example:
'In Ireland, Denmark and Norway, changes to the law on legal gender recognition were put through at the same time as other more popular reforms such as marriage equality legislation.
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