Are you folks still using appliers for clothing layer type things as opposed to Bakes On Mesh? I would love to be able to dump appliers already.
Personally, I still use appliers more than BoM.
✨Skye : I'm curious why?
I just...haven't gotten on the BoM train except for makeups. Mainly because I haven't felt the need.
MarvelMouse 🐭
I tossed every applier I had, I hates them.
I use whichever came with the thing I bought. If both are packaged, I use whatever the skin I'm currently wearing is designed for. So I don't mind if only BOM is in the package; I'll use it when I'm wearing a BOM skin.
took me ages to figure out how to BOM my lara body, but now i use BOM all the time
it's quicker to just right-click and wear a system layer. no HUD to attach, wait for loading, click, did it actually work? click again, detach and then three weeks later try to figure out wtf i'm wearing.
I don't want to lose the sales, but I just find it so unnecessary. I don't take advantage of the materials options and other than that, there's no advantage to appliers
/usr/sbin/ennui : yup and also with BOM, you can sort the order super easily in the outfit making tab
i always hated appliers, even when they were the only way to do it. i could never figure out wtf i was wearing and i was afraid to ever do anything. BoM has been around for long enough now that MOST people have probably made the conversion, so it probably isn't too many people who are still refusing to switch
I don't know about most, but the biggest shoppers will have made the conversion.
So if you're counting in dollars rather than individuals, and creating appliers costs you time, it should be fine to switch.
The people who shop the most, and specifically buy new products, are the ones most likely to be BOM-savvy.
Lette : Allegory : good points!
Sean Gorham
The only times I use appliers are 1) if I need materials; 2) I'm wearing socks/stockings and don't want the toe-socks looks BOM would give me.
{ Willow }
bom only.
I use BOM mostly
Applier... to frig around with the settings to smooth out the camel toe or actual toes is more effort than just using an applier to begin with. But I will NOT use appliers for makeup or tattoos or body paint or hairbases now
Mostly Phen
I'm still not doing BoM yet.
I think then the question is why are you not doing BOM?
I think Cecilia is doing both BOM and appliers and is hoping she can drop the appliers.
no I mean for the people not using Bom why aren't you?
Izzie Bizzie
some people still cling to their appliers, cause their skin hasn't been updated for BOM (and didn't find a BOM skin they like yet). also some people are scared they mess up their avi, when switching and some just don't want to bother learning "new" things, too much hassle
Izzie Bizzie
that's the answers i got so far from customers who refuse to use BOM
Izzie Bizzie
and sometimes people just need a little push and help, someone who guides them through it step by step cause they are afraid to do it alone lol
The very, very basics, things like just existing in a body and putting on clothing, are so bizarrely arcane and unnecessarily complex in SL. I don't think that a more user-hostile virtual experience could be created by design
There's no doubt that avatar clothing in SL is way more complicated than it needs to be (and even was back before mesh... and now it's worse than ever).

But the irony of the situation is that BOM is actually easier than appliers, unlike every other "advance" that has been added on every time the appearance of clothing has improved.
I use BOM, but I didn't pick it up right away, I picked it up gradually, so I can relate to a few reasons people might not have transitioned.
I think for some people, it's a matter of update fatigue. It's just tiring and annoying to try to keep track of every advancement, and the idea of having to relearn skills can be a headache. It's even more so if you're a shopper but not a huge one, an SL user but not an everyday one.
And the fact that the stuff that appliers/BOM are used for are either skins (which some people put on once and never change) or makeup / socks / accessories / tattoos / layers / undies (which aren't obligatory to even wear) means that it's not something everyone changes — or even uses — every day.
Use of most of those things is straight-up optional, so it's easy for some people to never need to shift to BOM. Skins are obligatory, but changing them isn't.

Finally, some people haven't shifted because they haven't had to. The brands they buy still package both, so they use the method they know and are used to. Many of them will change when they have to.
But... out of all of those, only the last group might be part of the target audience for a brand that produces such products. The rest aren't customers. So I suspect the people who are most likely to shift are also the ones who are most likely to shop.
I just think BOM leggings look stupid with skin materials and a conch indent, that’s why I haven’t switched for clothing layers. 🤷‍♀️
^cooch DYAC
dkronfeld : agreed
Alaska : yeah, that makes sense. the toe issue is part of why I am holding on to appliers, although I think most people don't know about the toe cap option on maitreya anyway.