Freyja 金
Baru pada buka-buka unsentproject ya. Aku dengan pedih mengatakan bahwa opkors namaku nggak ada di sana, but the wrong spellings of my nickname are there (lmao)
Pretty sure none of these are for me but I can't help but laugh because so is there someone named Tisya who actually said this? ((JYPAPI)) (lmao)
Freyja 金
((JYPAPI)) Oh what a good laugh (lmao)
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apaan itu jypapi?
Freyja 金
Kalau nggak salah ya, setauku itu mash-up dari JYP dan papi, panggilan buat itu penyanyi korea/founder agensi JYP Entertainment (lmao)
Freyja 金
Goodness me, I know I used to use the word "papi" for male celebs as well and now it's hella cringe (lmao)
u i i a i u