what if instead of doing another next gen of consoles we go back a few generations instead
until we've proven we can handle the responsibility of the ps5 we're back on the ps2
Niamh Vibes
Honestly, when someone says "it looks like a PS2/Gamecube game," I have trouble parsing it as an insult
mask of pride 🌸
you know what, i'm down for that
Niamh Vibes
those games looked gorgeous on their own, no need for improvement
honestly let's go back to ps1/n64
you can keep high resolution filters and framerate improvements and shit
but if it won't run on an n64, you can't release it
Niamh Vibes
gimme some weird polygon shit, I want it
we need, nay, deserve weird polygon shit
give me some pointy polygons
just do a full reversal on constantly making things look better
Fuck yeah, polygons.
give me the full quest 64
oh i'm scary
NOW you're all on my level
Doge-lover Joja
Fuck it, I want all my games to come out on the Dreamcast exclusively
Cold XC
give! polygon!
A Grinning DM
I want more games for my Sega 32x
A Grinning DM
I swear the 32x is gonna take off, any day now
you know what? let's just go all the way back to the snes.
and the genesis. if people wants to keep insisting nobody has ever liked a sonic game after 1994, then clearly they'll be fine if I revoke their after 1994 privileges.
Cold XC
gaming peaked here tbh
to be clear this is not about nostalgia for older games
you gotta respect the classics
I just think that we've tried next-gen tech and clearly we do not deserve it
Cold XC
it just gets used to model generic grizzled man sweat pores more accurately and nothing else
honestly i agree with this. revoke permissions for modern next gen tech