
good news, I'm now further into the crunchy sub of mahou bajillion-names precure than I got into the fansub back when it was new
[meme] are my characters monsterfuckers? the short answer is "no, except sort of yes in some cases"
people with a better memory of fandom history: did we realize what a historic moment it was when mahou girls ep1 started with mirai watching liko fall from the sky and not land directly on her face
breakdown! wahoo reaction
this set actually has more Content but none of the manuals show the whole thing
love to discover I haven't been getting email notifications all day for some reason
I ordered this in anticipation of my upcoming trip to disneyland
thinking about how, to this day, Karen still has her one-time poison immunity
but anyway
listen. I'm not saying it's illegal to be a lesbian in lego city. I'm just saying the lcpd hasn't arrested a straight woman in years.
andy is boys with the sleepiness. they work again.
[gachapath] I wonder if I'll have good gacha luck for the crossov--oh. okay, sure.
capcom won't make a second female robot master so they can't celebrate yuri day but I have no such problems
I think about this gif every time I take several objects out of a bag
Reply to this plurk for adult blessings
today we have learned what truly unites humanity
the speedrunner isekai manga updated. a panel that constitutes a spoiler is within
- someone followed my deviantart account (oh neat)- they're an ai """artist""" (oh god no)- they appear to exclusively post ai generations of ash ketchum and misty mistyslastname in various environments (???????????????)
[meme] character dads! no real recent changes but to review:
...how long has there been hatsune miku picross
[world flipper] gdi who told the furry about vore
today for some reason I woke up thinking about "lily is girls with the ability"
everyone I have something very important to say. if you ever find yourself making a reasonably popular sprite comic in the early 2000s, do NOT publish it in jpeg format
so you know the stage of a relationship that is "wearing each other's clothes?"
this random lego criminal is going to occupy my brain