Tyki likes red wine, cheap beer, and whiskey. Also in the cheap form. He'll drink whatever he can get, and alcohol always taste better when stolen from his brother.
Ace drinks whatever he can get cheap. He has a monstrous metabolism so it's gotta be cheap. Dirt cheap. He honestly has a fondness for sake, whiskey, bourbons, and ales.
God, I haven't thought about Hawks in ages, since I don't play him anymore. Hell, not even in the fandom anymore. But he likes carbonated sake, light beers, and occasional flavored whiskey drinks.
John drinks. Everything. From the comics we see him drinking a good amount of gin and tonics, but in the cartoons and some of the series we see golden brown liquid in glasses a lot. So yeah, gin and tonics, whiskey and bourbons would be favored. But the man will go to town on boxed wine and wine coolers and the shittiest cheap beers.
He's an alcoholic. Or as close to one as you can be without magic ripping the booze from the system every time a ritual happens of a certain energy level requirement. His alcohol preferences is yes please.
Joker likes cocktails. Give him well blended and fancy mixes, he likes his booze fun and fuck you if you judge him for it he'll shoot you for calling him out. Everything should be thoroughly enjoyable, and the man does not drink to get drunk. He drinks to have a good time. If it's served in a half of a frozen pineapple or has a little umbrella? A+
He's not really a straight booze person and if he's drinking something besides wine straight? It's an indicator of a horrifically foul mood and to stay away from him.
YEAH. Joker doesn't get drunk easily. He has to be sick and miserable for it to really start taking root. The chemicals have fucked up his metabolism and tolerance
Bruce drinks with fucking restraint, but he drinks well and based on what he's eating at the time. Gotta have the right beer or wine for the main course, and he's fond of certain cocktails in small amounts. But in small amounts, he's a control freak to some degree and can't risk letting habits like that take a strong root.
Barry... Well, his metabolism makes drinking pointless as a rule. Why bother when there are better ways to get calories in? Unless he wants a repeat of the whole bachelor elixir then he's not bothering.
He does have a weakness for nice wine. But I love that nice and expensive don't need to be a mutual thing here. Quality to him has nothing to do with expense.
or Hawks if you want to go past digging