Dragons Dragons
why do mass-ex games call it "deadland" and scapegoat games call it "graveyard"
Dragons Dragons
there are other differences between the subgenres, of course, but that usually gets chalked up to game mechanics
Lightning Bolt
I use "deadland" pretty much interchangeably myself?
Dragons Dragons
like how scapegoat games don't always have trial afterparties but that's because they usually have the private conversation mechanic
Dragons Dragons
i'm sure there must be exceptions but it seems like a 1:1 split to me
from my own experience, I've found it actually depends more on the players involved. You'll see some players call it deadland and some call it graveyard
and I've seen both terms used in the same game
I've seen deadland in scapegoat games, but I don't remember ever seeing graveyard in a mass-ex game
though my memory is pretty bad
merry witchmas
I switch between both myself
I tend to go with what the majority call it
Kiramas ❄️
I assume it has to do with the origins of both murdergame genres. Before it became really common for people to make their own murdergames, there were basically two groups of mods making them - the DRRP team, who did mass ex presumably used 'deadland,' and the Murder Manor/spinoffs team, who did scapegoat and used 'graveyard' because at first they did mafia
Kiramas ❄️
and graveyard is what that similar concept was called in epicmafia
Kiramas ❄️
Epicmafia was really popular back then, and mafia murdergame RP was the predecessor to all this
Kiramas ❄️
before people started getting into Danganronpa and wanting to ape that type of murdergame
Kiramas ❄️
I don't really know how 'deadland' originated but I figured since it's a mass ex thing then it could probably be traced back to DRRP. Correct me if I'm wrong though lmao
Kiramas ❄️
Like maybe it was actually Airlocked since they very clearly had a 'survivorland' as well, so I can see how deadland would come about as a counterpart...
Kiramas ❄️
but the others are right that at this point the pools have meshed and people just kind of use what they prefer
it's definitely from DRRP, since i remember it being used as far back as r3
i would imagine 'graveyard' just has its origins in werewolf/mafia games since that's the term used there and it predates DWRP murdergames
Dragons Dragons
yeah, DRRP had deadland/deadlandia
I wasn't in drrp but I can confirm that deadland was already a thing when airlocked started
source: I was in it before there was a survivorland
it was in airlocked that 'liveland' as the counterpart term sprung up, iirc, but deadland/deadlandia was already the standard term by then
Kiramas ❄️
right then
Man I had no idea that pricons were a reason to not have afterparties. Taking notes. I legitimately just thought it was an arbitrary individual difference because I've definitely seen a few characters straight up weirded out by the concept.
Craven Castle had "balls" which were mod-posted afterparties with mandatory costume themes... Those were fun
Kiramas ❄️
Oh man, I loved those now that you mention it lol