Corpus Hermeticum讀書筆記

Persona 系列召喚人格面具時喊的Thou art I, and I am thou 居然是真的

Hermetica: The Ancient Greek and Latin Writings whic...
目前看的是這個版本, 免費的.很難讀但是考究跟解說都很足.

hermetica corpushermeticum 神秘學
@Witch_Som on Plurk

赫米斯文集實在是太散亂了 比道德經易經還難懂
中國有子曰 印度有佛說 希臘好歹有阿基里斯跟烏龜賽跑
去除人類身上屬土的部分, 純化屬靈的部分 揚升或者回到源頭
神是心智 靠著話語創造四大元素成為萬物
God has three sons , viz . the Logos , the Demiurgus - Nous , and the Anthropos
神有三個兒子. Logos, Demiurgus-nous, 以及人類
一個兒子創造了第一次元(礦物), 二兒子創造第二次元(生物),三兒子創造有著與造物主同樣心智的生物(人類)
人愛上了自然世界 屬靈與屬土的結合產生活著的人類
屬神即善 非神即惡 不屬肉體即屬靈
凡是會毀壞的即屬土 凡會腐化毀壞的事物皆為惡不屬靈
Sufism, Gnosticism 跟佛教基本上目的根本一模一樣 手法跟看法也差不多
就是要移除小我 破除帷幕 與神合一
We have to rise above all that is corporeal , and make our way up to the Good . And to do this , we must put forth all our strength . It is not easy ; for the things that attract us here below are visible , and the Good is invisible .
the worshipper's denial that he is other than God ( üs årlos öv ; ) is in accordance with the distinctive character of Egyptian religion .

基本上埃及人認為萬物皆道 而你不可能是神之外的其他東西, 就跟道德經沒兩樣了
It is impossible to choose out any one place , and say that God is there rather than elsewhere ; for God is himself the all - containing place ' .

神是允許一切存在的那個空間的概念也是從hermetic 來的, 或許可追溯至埃及
比較hermetics 跟 Sufism 的共通處大概可拼湊出埃及煉金術的原本樣貌
ως άλλος ών και συ γαρ ει 8 [ ε ] αν ώ . This is the typical utterance of mysticism ; ' I am Thou , and Thou art I. In the Greek mystery cults , the worshipper sought some kind and degree of union with the particular deity to whom his worship was addressed ;
but among the Greeks , the abolition of the boundary - walls of separate personality was seldom spoken of in such emphatic and uncompromising terms .
In Egypt , on the other hand , the Pyramid - texts of the VIth Dynasty( 2500 B.C. or earlier ) are full of phrases which show that by that time the primitive worshipper's sense of identification with the object of his worship ( or at least his assurance that he would , after death , be identified with his god )
had already been stereotyped in traditional formulas of unknown antiquity;

and the same sort of language persists in Egyptian documents of all periods , ' down to the time when the magicians of the Roman age borrowed the phrase συ εγώ και εγώ σύ ? from reputable cults to use it for their own sordid purposes . The tone of this hymn is not Greek, but Egyptian
所以Persona的Thou art I, and I am thou起源也是埃及. 因為基本上希臘對人格的界線並沒有那麽模糊 但這種人神合一與邊界的喪失在古埃及(第六王朝及之前)很常見
題外話 無論 Hermetism Sufism 不二論 佛教等神秘學的主要認知都是”我即是道 道即是我”

- 其實不是不想廣為流傳 而是這樣的說法即使在現在也很難成為主流
The order of the heavenly bodies is perfect ; their movement is cyclic or recurrent , ( and accordingly , they are individually immortal . ) Terrestrial organ isms suffer dissolution ; but by this dissolution they are reabsorbed into the cosmic elements , which are immortal .
這部分就是hermeticism 跟占星學的關聯了
All things are good to begin with , being made by God ; but in the cosmic process , good turns to evil . The qualities of things are determined by the influence of the heavenly bodies ; and by that influence some things are made bad , and others good .
基本上人會好壞壞是星盤害的 幹
The bodies of these beings are composed of the cosmic elements ; their various qualities are imposed on them by the operation of the heavenly bodies ; and their life is breathed into them from the life - breath of the Kosmos .
$ 2. εις τον άνθρωπον συνεπεισρέουσιν αλλήλαις . See 89 , where we are told that the sense and thought of all Goa ( including man ) are derived from the sense and thought of the Kosmos , and that they pass into the individual fõov from the atmosphere in the process of breathing . .
奇怪 又提到呼吸
All individual souls come into being by separation from the world - soul . The individual soul is incarnated on earth , first in an animal body of the lowest grade , and then in animal bodies of higher and higher grade , until it enters a human body .
At that stage , it may begin to be divine ; and if it does , that will be its last earthly incarnation ; on its release from the human body , it will be changed into a daemon , and subsequently into an astral god . But if the soul , when it has entered a human body , continues to be bad , it is reincarnated in the bodies of beasts .
Thus some that were once creeping things change into things that in the water dwell, the souls of water things change to earth-dwellers, those that live on the earth change into things with wings, and souls that live in air change into men, while human souls reach the first step of deathlessness changed into daimones.
And so they circle to the choir of the Inerrant Gods; for of the Gods there are two choirs, the one Inerrant, and the other Errant. And this is the most perfect glory of the soul.
But if a soul on entering in the body of a man persisteth in its vice, 1 it neither tasteth deathlessness nor shareth in the Good; but speeding back again it turns into the path that leads to creeping things. This is the sentence of the vicious soul.
同樣段落不同翻譯 與佛教六道輪迴類似
And the soul’s vice is ignorance.For that the soul who hath no knowledge of the things that are, or knowledge of their nature, or of Good, is blinded by the body’s passions and tossed about.
This wretched soul, not knowing what she is becomes the slave of bodies of strange form in sorry plight, bearing the body as a load; not as the ruler,but the ruled.This [ignorance] is the soul’s vice.
The Divine Pymander - Google Search
基本上這本書也是Corpus Hermeticum
Hermetica is a category of literature dating from Late Antiquity that purports to contain secret wisdom, generally attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, "thrice-great Hermes", who is a syncretism of the Greek god Hermes and the Egyptian deity Thoth.
A collection of several such Greek texts from the 2nd and 3rd centuries, remnants of a more extensive previous literature, were compiled into a Corpus Hermeticum by Italian scholars during the Renaissance, notably by Marsilio Ficino, whose Latin translation went through eight incunable editions before 1500, and a further twenty-two by 1641.
John Everard's historically important 1650 translation into English of the Corpus Hermeticum, entitled The Divine Pymander.
The Hermetist compares the Kosmos to a human head . The ' cerebral membrane of the Kosmos is the outermost sphere ; ' and ' the things which are united to this cosmic meninx are the fixed stars and the planets . They , like the Kosmos itself and all living things within it , are composed of soul ( νοητόν ) and body ( υλικόν ) ;
but being in or near the outermost sphere , in which the soul or life of the Kosmos is concentrated , they have in them more soul than body ’ ; whence it results that they are consequently ' not bad ' . On the other hand , all living organisms in the sublunar region have in them ‘ more body than soul ’ ;whence it results that they are consequently bad