Luke Skywanker
[commissions] First take on my brother's former cat, Rico. Something's wrong but I haven't put my finger on it yet...
Luke Skywanker
He's a partner to the one I did last year of his new cat, Luna:
Luke Skywanker
Needs a warmer gray
Luke Skywanker
I've been messing with it but it needs to match the color palate argh
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
Which grey?
Luke Skywanker
I used the same darker shade from Luna for the middle tone of Rico, and extrapolated from there, but yeah
His forebody. He looks more brown in the pic? The way a lot of black cats go rusty. Also missing that white patch below his chin.
Luke Skywanker
Yeah I just need to to match the green/purple so I'm struggling with a warmer grey that goes with that. hrm.
Luke Skywanker
I added the white but yeah I can't get a brownish that goes with the palette I chose for the Luna pic.
Luke Skywanker
So I either need to abandon them being a pair, or fudge Rico's coloring.
Luke Skywanker
I'm running it by the gal who commissioned it for him..
Thicken Nugget
I think also with the color,"s not getting the sorta bib shape Siamese have
Thicken Nugget
also his face is angled slightly differently from the picture. it's not wrong by any means, but it might be throwing you off. but it's also like...comparing it to the pic I can see the angle is a little different but it's just like he turned his face a tiny bit in yours
Luke Skywanker
can you explain the bib comment more?
Luke Skywanker
I'll have to look hard at the angle since I traced it lol
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker
I think I need to come back to this tomorrow...