"Section 1 (g) Foster youth who are 12 years of age or older have established rights to privately seek and consent to outpatient mental health counseling and treatment, including pursuant to Section 6924 of the Family Code and Section 124260 of the Health and Safety Code."
再來是: “Section 2 (27) To have access to age-appropriate, medically accurate information about reproductive health care, the prevention of unplanned pregnancy, and the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections at 12 years of age or older.” -> (粗翻):12歲(含)兒童具有權利去接受、了解醫學上正確、適齡的知識,以來了解生育相關的健保、預防意外懷孕、還有性別變置的預防與治療。
“What are the criteria for use of pubertal blockers?
To begin using pubertal blockers, a child must:
1) Show a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria. 2)Have gender dysphoria that began or worsened at the start of puberty.
Address any psychological, medical or social problems that could interfere with treatment. Provide informed consent Particularly when a child hasn't reached the age of medical consent, parents or other caretakers or guardians must consent to the treatment and support the adolescent through the treatment process”
Puberty Blockers for Youth “If you’re under age 18, the criteria for getting a prescription for a puberty blocker are: 1. A long-lasting and intense pattern of gender non-comformitu or gender dysphoria. 2. Gender dysphoria emerged or worsened with the onset of puberty.
3. Coexisting psychological, medical or social problems, if any are stable enough to start the treatment. 4. The adolescent having given informed consent; and the parents or guardians having given consent and being involved in supporting the adolescent throughout the process.
clam4733: Gender-affirming health care has been described by Radix, Reisner and Deutch [4] as “health care that holistically attends to transgender people’s physical, mental, and social health needs and well-being while respectfully affirming their gender identity”.
Bill Text - AB-2119 Foster care: gender affirming he...
-> 粗糙翻譯是最前面「12歲或超過12歲的兒童有權到門診尋求治療,其中治療項目包含家庭法的6924項跟健康與安全條款的124260。」
家庭法6924:12歲(含)以上孩童可以尋求心理精神疾病治療,但先決條件是 (1) 專業人士判斷他有足夠的心智成熟度,並且 (2) 目前兒童的狀況會對自己與/或他人造成威脅,或者當事孩童是家庭暴力/性暴力的受害者。
任何12歲 (含)以上孩童可以到門診尋求精神疾病相關治療,只要在專業人士診斷確定當事人有足夠成熟的心智程度。
To begin using pubertal blockers, a child must:
1) Show a long-lasting and intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria.
2)Have gender dysphoria that began or worsened at the start of puberty.
Provide informed consent
Particularly when a child hasn't reached the age of medical consent, parents or other caretakers or guardians must consent to the treatment and support the adolescent through the treatment process”
“If you’re under age 18, the criteria for getting a prescription for a puberty blocker are:
1. A long-lasting and intense pattern of gender non-comformitu or gender dysphoria.
2. Gender dysphoria emerged or worsened with the onset of puberty.
4. The adolescent having given informed consent; and the parents or guardians having given consent and being involved in supporting the adolescent throughout the process.
不知道為什麼你在號稱翻譯法條的時候,會故意跳過gender affirming health care的部份,而只翻gender affirming mental health care呢?
阿就,不只荷爾蒙ㄚ 我就是好奇當初法條上有沒有明講荷爾蒙來看的啊