You're Quinner
[SMG] what if i did a soft reboot of this verse
You're Quinner
fresh start, people who lost interest can bow out, those remaining and anyone who steps in can readjust accordingly
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it had an explosion of initial interest and then quickly evaporated afterwards, so the pacing of assembling the story ended up weird
merry curesman
I'm still in
You're Quinner
core premise is "what if a girl from an edgy madoka ripoff got isekai'd into precure"
I still like both my characters and their associated plot arcs, if that helps.
I think I'd bow out, I could never get my girl quite the way I wanted her
yuri duty
I'm still down
I still like Decker,
Maybe I'll throw everything out and try again
I feel like playing an evil* general might benefit the cast more and play to my strengths more
Decker's coworker
Princess Emily
I really liked my girl and her arc but things definitely fell to wayside at the end
i would tentatively give it another go. dip my toe in and see if i can't figure out what to do with tetsu and if not bow out officially
❆ despairmas
...plurk send my message please--but i think i'll bow out, i could never get etsuko's concept together the way i wanted lmao
You're Quinner
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
(I'm still interested, I'm just... kind of generally absent lately)