healin' good catchup continues
king byogen: living means fighting, you've always been fighting
nodoka: so I'll keep fighting
king byogen: wait no
Zestium Beam!
Madoka is such a mood
Zestium Beam!
Nodoka I mean
Zestium Beam!
bah you know what I mean
Zestium Beam!
but like, I need to catch up on Healin' Good too
Zestium Beam!
I'm about halfway through the season too
I mean
https://66.media.tumblr.com/5073d2c6886b2fcfda3d534be293035f/tumblr_ppmvxhN7iM1tlyjpto1_540.gif madoka is also a mood
(though it's very suddenly been warm here lately)
Zestium Beam!
very true