Luke Skywanker
I sure don't need dreams that shame me for being asleep...

Luke Skywanker
The majority of dreams that I experience as negative are about being unable to wake up

Take us through this. How do you dream of being unable to wake up?

Luke Skywanker
So typically, it's about trying to do something, especially trying to run or walk somewhere, and being too sleepy to do it. My eyes won't stay open. My body gets sluggish.

Luke Skywanker
It's almost as if my physical body's state is infringing on my dream self.

Like, when you dream of having to go to the bathroom because your body has to go to the bathroom?

Luke Skywanker
So I'll be trying to drive a car, walk home, etc, and I just can't stay awake. In this one, I specifically remember asking myself how I'm going to finish that Buffy class if I'm sleeping all the time.

Luke Skywanker
: Yup

I don't think I've had this dream but it makes perfect sense to me. I don't like going to sleep but, when I do, the last thing I want to do is wake up.

Luke Skywanker
I WOKE UP AT 6 (and then read and dozed off etc) so it's not like my brain has a leg to stand on in the productivity argument

Luke Skywanker
It's rather unrestful to constantly have your dreams berating you for being asleep

Berate your brain for not having more creative dreams.

Luke Skywanker
yeah I'm annoyed at it

But this is obviously a stress dream.

I think there are techniques for training your brain to dream differently.

Luke Skywanker
oh possibly. I mean, I know I've gotten better at lucid dreaming in the past

There you go! That's the key to taming your taskmaster mind.

I used to have super bad dreams and after I taught myself to analyze them and made it a habit the ones that were reoccurring would go away. Maybe trying that would help you.

Luke Skywanker
Interesting! I am glad that worked.