我覺得Emerald是有意識到這整個困境,整個壓迫女性的結構是不可能透過一部電影就可以教化什麼人的,但他也不想完全拍成一部我們就一路報復噁男的爽片,我不知道他想姬起的是什麼?或者他就只是抒發了他作為女人視角觀察體會到的一切,就是這麼讓人憤怒又無力,那個共犯結構那些喊著Not all men說著自己是好男一面又袒護所有強暴玩笑強暴文化陽剛異男有毒男性氣概的人,他們的樣貌有多滑稽可笑多讓人憤怒噁心。
When she originally sat down to write the script, Fennell had yet another ending in mind — one in which Cassie walks into Al’s bachelor party and triumphs — “the big, fuck you, cathartic ending,” she said, in which Cassie “is going to put on a sexy outfit and she’s going to kill a ton of guys!”
“It was never written,” she continued, “because the moment Cassie is in that room, I realized that there is no way of honestly showing that. Because it’s not true. And it was important to me to play out as realistically as I could, what this would look like.”
Indeed, Fennell realized that the fuck-you revenge ending was physically impossible: “I cannot imagine being in a room with a man and threatening him where it plays out in any different way — no matter how much we want it to be the case.” 我無法想像和男性同在一個房間並且能以各種不同方式威脅他,儘管我們內心多麼希望能如此。
導演:Emerald Fennell
編劇:Emerald Fennell
1. Emerald客串出現時我笑死!!!我以為他只有編導,片尾卡司表他也沒把自己列進去ㄚXD
2. 父母親看的古早片裡面的男性角色說他討厭les(中文字幕還直接翻蕾絲邊),我和ㄊㄅ同時笑出聲,笑瘋
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Indeed, Fennell realized that the fuck-you revenge ending was physically impossible: “I cannot imagine being in a room with a man and threatening him where it plays out in any different way — no matter how much we want it to be the case.”