You're Quinner
[gbf] OK here's something I'm lost on
You're Quinner
the enemy charge bar
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the basics are simple enough
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one diamond fills up each turn
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when it's full they do a special attack
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but where I get confused is with overdrive and break
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when a boss overdrives it says "charge bar now fills in fewer turns!"
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and then continues to charge at one diamond per turn
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then when they break it... stops going up? goes up slower? the diamonds turn blue
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also overdrive seems to sometimes trigger before the overdrive bar is full so that's also weird
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except wait, do bosses NOT gain charge diamonds when they aren't in overdrive?
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
I don't directly remember how "charge bar now fills in fewer turns" works but I know there are characters who have skills that make the enemy's charge bar take more turns to charge, and the way they accomplish that is by adding an extra diamond
You're Quinner
yeah that's straightforward
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
so I would imagine that some bosses just have the ability to remove a diamond
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You're Quinner
diamond count does not change
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
ah... hm
Medic▲l Mir▲cle's also possible that the text is just wrong and a leftover from an earlier version of the boss
You're Quinner
if it is, it's wrong on every single boss in the game
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
as for overdrive triggering early, is it extremely early or is it like 90%
You're Quinner
like 90%
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
okay so obviously I don't have the answers but I've seen this too and I think what's going on there is that overdrive can technically start at times when the animation can't play yet
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
and under some circumstances that might mean you get in a couple more hits before the animation plays
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Medic▲l Mir▲cle
so technically what happened was it reached 100 and then went back down to 90
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
at least that's my best guess
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
but honestly, the mechanics of this game are in many ways a mystery to me
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all 18 hard primal raids done, one solitary SR weapon drop
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OK doing some of my own research
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- charge diamond gain is paused when in break, paralyzed, or petrified
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- during overdrive, after using charge attack, boss resets to 1 diamond instead of 0
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that about clears it up
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and Break clears after a certain time limit or by taking a certain amount of damage
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the only things Overdrive does are retaining a charge diamond after special and powering up their charge attack
Medic▲l Mir▲cle
ahhh that makes sense