restoria mods
Restoria: a jamjar just for OCs, the brainstorming plurk!
restoria mods
the WIP so far: an omniscient, unaging, and ancient race has decided the universe must be cleansed, and only the world of Restoria stands in opposition. After a failed battle in which nearly all was lost, the natives of the world know they won't be able to succeed on their own.
restoria mods
They summon together the last of their power to reach out to other worlds, bonding the layers of the multiverse together and pulling in the inhabitants of other worlds to help their cause - and to secure the fate of every world in existence.
restoria mods
The proposed setting includes quests, bonding mechanics, shared housing, and the ability for your OC's world to influence the world of Restoria. AC will be check-in and mod events will run monthly or every other month.
restoria mods
Canon OCs are allowed, but NOT canon AUs or rule-63's. When apping a canon OC, you cannot change canon events or create events that would have a massive influence on the other characters from your verse.
restoria mods
This plurk is for brainstorming! Leave your ideas and things you'd love to see in this plot or setting.
restoria mods
By the way, our intention is to build a setting that is a mash-up of fantasy and high-tech elements, in order to accommodate a variety of OCs.
Would D&D OCs from the OG settings be allowed? Like Faerun, Forgotten Realms, Golarion...
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
Piggybacking off that comment^ How about mmorpg OCs?
i'm interested
restoria mods
D&D OCs of your own design: Yes!
OCs created for the world of an MMO: Yes!
Characters from publicized campaigns, such as CritRole: No
Malleable protags with pre-established storylines, such as WoLs: No

*Subject to fine-tuning as we aren't super familiar with these 'verses, but this is what we envision as fitting best with the setting.
looks at my small mountain of ocs
yessss ocs ❤
I have so many D&D OCs but my favorites are from Golarion.
looks at my RP drive that can't handle a full-speed proper RP...
I would help but I seem unable to get time to see what has or has not been said haha. Damn real life
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
Okay so characters like the Commander from GW2 or the WoL from FFXIV are a no-go but a random Au'Ra or a random Charr are okay, yeah? Just making sure I got that right.
restoria mods
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ : Yes, that's the gist!
💫 𝑐𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑛𝑐𝑎𝑘𝑒
morphin time
/chinhands. I have both regular OCs and mmo OCs so I'm absolutely interested in this
i'd be interested in this! i have a lot of ocs.
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
modern AU of Mythology? like reborn gods in human bodies or the like?
Becca Stareyes
Oooh. Consider me interested.
ᶜʰᶦ ˣᶦᵃᵒ
steeples fingers
свобода 🌴🥥
looks pretty interesting! definitely keeping an eye out.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Ⓓⓤⓛⓛⓐⓗⓐⓝ : AUs are AUs so those would not count as OCs no. Now if you would like to do an OC that is similar to a god from mythology but is Not That God, we ain't gonna police that.
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
Mythology are their own canons and thus fall under the No Canon Character rule just like everyone else
that answered my question. thanks~
𝚖𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚜 👑
an oc jamjar
canon ocs? be still my heart
omg canon OCs
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
ooooh thanks for the clarification... am intrigued..
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ
Tire Fire
Tire Fire
I have OCs. I have many OCs. Yes, they would like to come play
I'm guessing canon OCs probably doesn't include close canon, future-canon, etc? >_>
I'm so tempted. So tempted.
emperor zombie
restoria mods
Exacerangutan : We're willing to be flexible with canon OCs who are close to canon characters, as long as your OC doesn't majorly affect the events of the canon such that it becomes an AU. future canon would be considered AU.
ahh ok
restoria mods
DWRP News : Thank you!
so WoLs from aren't allowed, but non-wol OCs from ffxiv would be, right?
🦋 ᛈᚱᛜⰞ
because I one of my WoLs is an au ra but in rps I mainly play him as a ~friend~ of the WoL (my main) but he has his own story
𝔑𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔪𝔟𝔢𝔯 🐸
oh hell yes a place for all my pathfinder ocs....
𝖙𝖔𝖕 𝖉𝖔𝖌❄️
ℕ𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕥 : That's right. They would be considered canon OCs and fall under the same rules, so nothing in their story can majorly affect the canon.
restoria mods
gotcha! how would the application system work?
restoria mods
ℕ𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕥 : TBD, but probably much like other games. There may be an additional section for power nerfing.
ah okay. I haven't been active in the dwrp scene for years so I don't remember how applications are like, I just remember that they took a lot of writing
restoria mods
If it helps, we don't want to read a thesis any more than you want to write one. :-)
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
what would the AC be like? i'd love to join bc i am a chronic OC haver but i'm also in some other games rn that eat up a lot of time
top of plurk mentioned it's just a check in
restoria mods
superorbital: Check-in AC with rewards for activity.
any thoughts on how many characters players are allowed to have in total?
restoria mods
fairandbright: Not yet!
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
Canon ocs you say
☽ 𝔯𝔞𝔡 ○ 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔟𝔞 ☾
𝖙𝖔𝖕 𝖉𝖔𝖌❄️
ʟᴀᴡꜱᴏɴ canon ocs, just sayin'
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
I have an OC I've wanted to play for so long but has close ties to canon characters (and I haven't gotten around to writing her history so that she has no contact with them yet because of how long it's been)
i'll keep a lookout then!
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
It's been hard trying to think of a way to change that without changing the character
𝖙𝖔𝖕 𝖉𝖔𝖌❄️
janus, 𝓷𝓸
oh... a thing that might actually get me back into a game...
restoria mods
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》 : As long as your OC does not majorly affect canon in a way that you would have to explain to your OC "canonmates," they are welcome!
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》 : I hear that, I have a couple of gen2 canon OCs I love but disentangling them from their setting doesn't really work well XD
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
She thinks the main character is like an older brother to her due to her past (but nothing that alters history. More like I wrote her around the events if that makes sense)
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
Exacerangutan honestly. That's my problem lol
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
She's a very old OC so it feels wrong to take it away from her sighs
←~(o `▽´ )oΨ🎃
Oh an OC game you say
𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒾𝒹𝑒𝑒𝓇 🦌
oh this sounds fun. i have ocs and i like games...
cries tears of joy at being able to unearth some really old canon OCs...!!!
restoria mods : lmao I feel ya, I just remember a game way back when where I typed paragraphs upon paragraphs on an app and got a revision request saying "there's not enough information in your personality, can you please expand" and I was like
This idea intrigues me greatly. I'm just gonna like this plurk for tracking purposes
I am following the account
sounds like mine still won't work orz but wishing y'all good times!!
this game does sound interesting! I'll keep an eye on it, bit I just joined a game and I wanna wait a bit
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
An OC game you say...
ooh hello
i love the idea of this! i have a few ocs id love to use in a game
𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚗 💮
How about having the setting be divided into two districts for the sci-fi/modern people on one side and fantasy on the other?
𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚗 💮
The bond system could even be between one fantasy character and one sci-fi character to not cause a divide between the two cultures
Going to keep my eye on this game! I have a few friends with OCs who would appreciate the heck out of something like this. I'm a trashy, unoriginal canon player but I'll still signal boost the heck out of this!
Ring Racer
OC Jamjar?
Ring Racer
Color me intrigued.
The main OC I’d be interested in bringing isn’t appable but I do have a few others waiting in the wings.
spoony bard
as far as canon OCs go, are the hero classes from Darkest Dungeon allowed? what about the Heir?
Ohhh OCs!
☽ 𝔯𝔞𝔡 ○ 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔟𝔞 ☾
spoony bard zooms at the speed of sound to the mention of darkest dungeon roleplayers
spoony bard
spoony bard
but also, the Musketeer would be acceptable if I can't app my Heir
☽ 𝔯𝔞𝔡 ○ 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔟𝔞 ☾
spoony bard
i don't have a journal for musketeer... yet
spoony bard
spoony bard
I am like, where are all the DD RPers that AREN'T on Tumblr? lmao
spoony bard
☽ 𝔯𝔞𝔡 ○ 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔟𝔞 ☾ : who would you bring to the table, if you don't mind me asking?
☽ 𝔯𝔞𝔡 ○ 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔟𝔞 ☾
honestly i dont have any journals for dd characters, but i could comfortably play Dismas, Reynauld, or even a Vestal? A Shieldbreaker I could figure out...a Grave Robber. Like I could comfortably spin about half the cast lmao. Otherwise, if you're open to cross canon, i have a whole pile of OCs, unjournaled canon/fandom ocs, and ofc canons
☽ 𝔯𝔞𝔡 ○ 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔟𝔞 ☾
i just really like darkest dungeon and would be lying if i said i DIDNT make my chars into dd classes as a worldbuilding exercise lmao
restoria mods
spoony bard : Is the Heir an official game class or an AU created by players as a mod? Info I am finding is conflicting. Also Canon OCs are allowed as long as they do not have major influence over the events of the canon or changing canon events. So as long as they don't do that then you're good.
spoony bard
restoria mods : there are two Heir mods based on the mod creators' own OCs, but I'd be playing my own
big woop
looks at this. looks at my fantroll-heavy cast list. looks directly into the camera.
spoony bard
basically, it's the vehicle by which the player interacts with the game environment. there's no mention of the Heir's name, appearance, or gender, and they never appear on-screen in the game
spoony bard
but the Heir (you, the player) give commands to the hero classes and are responsible for sending them on missions and deciding how to restore the Hamlet
Dr. Min▲zuki
this sounds so fun!
ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛwᴏ
Just double checking: would a tabletop OC from a game that takes place in the setting of an existing canon without the characters and plot of that canon be allowed?
restoria mods
TheDoomkitten: This sounds like it would be allowed under the same guidelines as any other canon OC.
restoria mods
spoony bard : That sounds like a Malleable protag similar to the FF WoL which would not be allowed due to their significant influence over their canon settings.
spoony bard
thumbs up! thanks for the speedy reply! I may look at one of the hero classes, then!
restoria mods
Speaking very generally: if the character has a role and a title that is given to you as an aspect of gameplay, then it's probably a malleable protag! If the character is one that you designed yourself, including role and title, and doesn't have an influence over the canon universe that you would have to explain to a "castmate" - this is an OC!
restoria mods
If you want to retool your malleable protag to be an OC of that universe, like in the case of a "random" miqo'te with their own story to tell, that would be fine.
spoony bard
hmmmmm! that might actually work!
spoony bard
they just show up on the stage coach like any other hero class trying to get their share of gold and glory
so if we wanted to retool our protag from an mmo to be an oc, would it just be like "they aren't the chosen one. they didn't do the main story quest." but if they were in a guild, did side quests, would that be okay?
spoony bard
I will ponder things, thank you for answering my questions
𝖙𝖔𝖕 𝖉𝖔𝖌❄️
fairandbright: That's right! They could be an adventurer of that universe, just not the Main Character role that everyone plays.
restoria mods
^ again ;-)
very nice! thanks!
spoony bard
OH, I JUST had a brilliant idea how I can retool my Heir as a vampire hunter, so they can still keep their theme with the Crimson Court (and I won't have to change their icons or appearance lmao)
restoria mods
Here is an emote for you all, if you'd like to plot and enable!
I şĥĩp ĩţ
✶ 天才的なIDOL様!
big woop
snags the emote and runs off
𝕒 𝕗𝕜𝕟 𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕖 🐺
oh. oh yes
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
spoony bard : oh man you say vampire hunter and here I was thinking of throwing my vampire into this game.
𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠, 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕪
god my age-old tired shaman immortal would fit GREAT
𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕠, 𝕤𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕪
have to babysit so many of y'all and just meme at people
spoony bard
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ : hjgdsjag TOO BE FAIR the vampires in Darkest Dungeon are literally body horror mosquito monsters........ but yes
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
XDXD oh man that'd be a trip
big woop
Any idea how flexible the accommodations/access to supplies will be? Like, for characters with needs (or just habits) outside the human norm? I'm strongly considering bringing a homestuck fantroll and like... I'm comfortable sticking one in human-style housing but it would influence exactly who I bring.
OCs you say?
My time has come.
OCs! Hooray!
By Canon OCs do you mean characters that exist in name only or Fandom OCs that are our own creations based on already existing fandoms? I've seen it used interchangeably is why I'm asking. I have both.
restoria mods
big woop : Technology in the setting will be mixed with modern, sci-fi, and fantasy. Not everything will be immediately accommodated, but can be changed as time goes with characters influencing the setting. Housing will be in dormitory style.
restoria mods
Sharkleberry : OCs must be your own creation existing within the setting. If they are referred to in canon or are depicted by canon visually, that's a canon character, no matter how bare their existence in canon.
does the setting allow for ghosts? like could I app a dead ghost OC and have them still be dead in the game
restoria mods
xyzzy : If the character has the ability to interact with the setting and other characters, sure. They will have the option to gain a corporeal form.
they do yup
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
So for fandom ocs, what if the character is close to canon characters, but doesn't actually affect what happens eventwise in the series? They're more written to work around what's pre-existant and fit in that way rather than changing stuff
restoria mods
If another OC for that canon would be expected to be aware of their existence due to their closeness to canon characters then that's too close. As long as another player for that canon would not have to work your character into their character's story or the canon story, you're fine.
i am absolutely going to be bringing my post-campaign d&d 13th age character
big woop Oho? A fantroll you say? :eyes:
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
The Canon in question is pretty obscure rp wise so I havent really come across many castmates for it. If there was another fandom OC from it, I'd be surprised. If there was though, they might have to.

What if the chances of having another fandom OC from that series come along are slim?
big woop
TheDoomkitten: haven't decided on who, but yeah! Most of my fantrolls are pretty dependent on AUs, I might work up someone new
I was planning on bringing in my Sburb tabletop troll OC in. She's... a lot.
restoria mods
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》 : The rule will have to be the same for all canons to be fair for everyone. We can't judge what canon may or not get more people interested in apping from it.
《 Ꭺꮮꮲꮋꮖꮪꮃꮻꮮꭼ 》
Fair enough
big woop
Trolls generally are
Shot a friend RQ in case you want to plot
ღ zipper noises
canon OCs..... :|a
i'd love to play an xiv oc. they're not well liked in dwrp so a place to do it would be lovely
Clodsire : wait are they really? I just came back to dwrp after being away for a long while so I'm not familiar with the scene and social climate
ℕ𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕥 they're still everywhere but that's kind of a curse with games like FFXIV and Dragon Age. dwrp gets flooded with the protags, and the few npc players get swarmed. Also there has been plenty of wank about xiv and da(i) ocs. (I mean there's wank about just about every aspect of dwrp somewhere, but the point stands I suppose)
𝓇𝒾𝒸𝑜 : damn...I just joined a game with one of mine and now I'm going to feel self conscious
No don't! Meme comms like bakerstreet can be a fresh kind of hell for ocs in my experience, but I think it's less of an issue in a game where there aren't as many ocs competing and crosscanon is basically required anyway
OCs jamjar... I'm intrigued, I've several OCs that would love to come out to play
It's not likely I'll have the energy for it but I'm definitely tempted to dust off my shadowrunner... I'll definitely keep this in mind!
would you have a workshop or EMP for those that want to work on their OCs? How would applications work?
restoria mods
Ⓓⓤⓛⓛⓐⓗⓐⓝ : We would be happy to put up an EMP when we get closer to game launch.
restoria mods
As for applications, expect something very similar to any standard game app. We are looking for applications that are easy to understand by a canonblind, free of canon-specific jargon, and descriptive of your character's personality and motivations.
restoria mods
Also in case there has been confusion, the game is a jamjar only. There will be no OCs that are setting natives.
restoria mods
For canon OCs, expect a justification section as to why your OC is a true OC (i.e. not a not a named or visualized character or role in the canon, not a major player in canon plot or events, etc).
restoria mods
There will also be partial power nerfing. Enough to ensure characters do not have excessive advantage at the beginning. You will be expected to detail how you want your character nerfed (or justify why they do not need it).
restoria mods
If this is starting to sound like a lot, please don't worry! Bullet points will be fine for many of these things. The most important thing is that you app makes your character easy to get to know.
Sounds good so far.
I'm SO in
Oh my goodness!!
I'm so into this
Hey so
How do we feel about OCs from an AU of a canon where you just take the setting/universe and toss out all the named characters and replace them with originals
"We're travelling the Grand Line to find the legendary treasure One Piece!"
"Luffy who?"
I have SEVERAL such characters
restoria mods
GalacticBattler : Good question! To keep things as simple and clear as possible, we're sticking with a broad "no" for canon AUs.
alright thanks
still in
How about characters who are offspring of canon characters who are canonic horndogs and likely have more than a few kids scattered around the world/galaxy/known canonic universe??
I have a Doctor Who OC who is a daughter of Jack Harkness.
restoria mods
Eldritch : This would be acceptable as long as the character has no significant impact on canon events, nor any role in canon that would have to be explained to a "castmate." We'll have a section on the app for canon OCs to state their case!
Awesome! Yeah, she more or less grows up to be another Time Agent, but has no impact on canonic events.
restoria mods
When we look at apps for canon OCs, we will be asking ourselves: is this a character that will confuse a future castmate, with a role/impact/etc that will need to be extensively explained to someone joining you? If so, then they won't be accepted. 🌈 Be kind, don't give your castmates homework 💡
Yeah, Verrity would be more or less "Hi, Dad! Remember that space travelling show you hitched a ride with? Remember that half-grav hoochie coochie dancer you taught some new moves to? Well, we could've started a family act, and I'd be the cute little kid." And not much more.
But, she hasn't been, say, traveling with The Doctor and took a huge role in the Battle of Trenzalore or something.
restoria mods
We won't comment on anyone's characters specifically in this post, especially since we're terribly canonblind to so many things. The rule of thumb is: if the character has a role in the canon that would be known to and have to be explained to an incoming canonmate, they won't be allowed.
zero justice
So, then, it's "explained at all" not "explained in detail" so far as canon-OCs go? (this sounds aggressive but I swear I don't mean it that way, coffee hasn't kicked in properly) I'm leaning more towards a completely original character as is, but just wanted to be clear.
restoria mods
zero justice : No worries, we totally get the coffee thing. ;-) Yes, in order to be fair to all players we have decided to be relatively hardline about canon connections.
zero justice
all right, thank you! She could be rewritten as just a country doctor from a world with vampires &c., anyway. (I'm guessing "originated as a solution for a few plot holes in a canon riddled with them, and that meant marrying her off to a guy with no canon personality but a canonically traumatized-by-dad's-death son" is way too close.)
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
as an aside here, not anyone I'm really looking at but a potential hang-up, where would the mods fall on characters like FFXIV canon ocs? say a character is a thaumaturge, which is open to basically anyone who wants to learn but has potential castmates because of the lore and guild NPCs, for example.
I think the stance earlier was FF14 OC yes, WoL OC no
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
if the rule held as firmly as "cannot have potential castmates at all" that would basically cut off any chance of xiv characters altogether though, so it's an important distinction
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
because there's not a single job you can do that doesn't butt up against a fully fleshed NPC
restoria mods
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ : We are relatively canon blind to FF14, so we will be relying on the "state your case" section of the app. If there is an official depiction of your character in the canon that would be known to anyone apping into the cast, then we wouldn't consider that an OC.
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
I'm not entirely sure if I'm misunderstanding eggs you mean by "official depiction in canon"
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
what* phone pls
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
understanding too* yeesh phone
restoria mods
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ : Do you mind specifying what is unclear?
restoria mods
If it helps, the spirit of the rules are "don't give your castmates homework." Random adventurers in the same guild would be perfectly fine.
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
because like... if you say your character is a resistance fighter, people are going to know what that is. it's a big huge part of the world meta, with an official canon depiction, which castmates would know of even if they didn't know that individual.
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
so I think I'm really not understanding what you actually mean, because the two ideas in seeing stated are completely contradictory in tone
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
I'm seeing*
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ : I'm not 100% certain but I feel like with ocs that aren't WoLs who could still have castmates can be easier to work with because as the WoL, everyone has to know you, and see you as the special chosen one, and important npcs, such as Cid, can only know one WoL etc, whereas guild npcs train a lot of people all the time-
restoria mods
ℕ𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕥 : This is correct.
restoria mods
It's okay to know what your character is. Incoming players shouldn't have to know who your character is.
and can know more people and work with more people, idk if I'm making sense I'm also in need of coffee
a guild npc recognizing two of their students makes more sense than Emet-selch recognizing two WoLs basically
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
okay, that makes more sense. it was really unclear to me with the prior explanations, sorry for the difficulty.
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
like, I get it as a concept personally
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
I've played canon ocs this way for actual years
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
but the explanations weren't quite lining up for canons like xiv versus others, for me
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
yes, like I said, I understand how canon OCs work and what makes one difficult to app, but I'm an unfortunate stickler for how things are presented. "The character cannot have an official depiction in canon" suggests something far more restrictive, for example "the character cannot have any direct importance to the plot/world"
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
and just because you or I understand that the latter is the intent doesn't mean that everyone will
big woop
Those are different rules with different applications though? A character that appears in crowd scenes but doesn't actually do anything would break the "no canon depictions" rule, while an oc in a job that would bring them into regular public-facing contact with major canonical characters would break the "no influence on canon" rule
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
yes, which is why I mentioned that the statements are contradictory, because the rule stated was "If there is an official depiction of your character in the canon that would be known to anyone apping into the cast, then we wouldn't consider that an OC." but the clarification was the latter.
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
"is part of x guild" is an official depiction in canon, it's something that can be misinterpreted by newer players
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
(fwiw, I actually got asked about this clarification by someone who hasn't been in a game with her canon oc bc she did think her character wouldn't be appable initially despite that not being the case in clarification)
big woop
I agree it could use clarification, but I don't think it's an inherent contradiction. "part of x guild" is a trait, not a character, unless the guild in question is small enough that all members would appear on screen at some point and/or know each other personally.
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
and I understand that and am unsure why it's being explained?
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
it doesn't change the implied contradiction
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
it doesn't change that I had to go read it and squint to interpret it to make sure I was correct in telling my getting that no, her character is still eligible
big woop
I think the clarification is that "part of x guild" is a trait that nonappable characters might also commonly have, so it's a clarification on the acceptable proximity to canon
restoria mods
1. We encourage anyone who needs further clarification to come to us themselves.
2. Let's try to keep combative tones to a minimum in public game spaces!
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
I'm not being combative, I was actually trying to help clarify things that could be shaky on an FAQ. good luck with your game, it seems like a neat premise.
Pᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ Sɪɴ
I'm sorry if I sounded combative.
big woop
also did not mean to be argumentative, sorry!