奎爾林前年與家人到馬來西亞渡假期間失蹤,遺體隨後出現在叢林裡。路透社報導,15歲少女奎爾林Nora Anne Quoirin有學習障礙問題。2019年8月,她赤裸的遺體出現在一處深谷,靠近家人所待的芙蓉市Seremban杜贊渡假村Dusun。芙蓉市位於馬來西亞首都吉隆坡南方約70公里。芙蓉死因裁判法庭今天結束調查,表示沒有充足證據顯示本案涉及謀殺。警方之前已排除謀殺可能性,但奎爾林的家人質疑調查結果,表示奎爾林以前從不會自己離開他們。在家人要求下,馬來西亞去年8月啟動死因調查。驗屍官麥穆那Maimoonah Aid在法庭上表示:「她死於意外的可能性更高。對我來說,沒有證據地揣測或預設她的行為以及有第三方涉入,將違反我的職責,所以調查就此終止。」
Coroner Maimoonah Aid said the injuries sustained by Quoirin, who disappeared from The Dusun resort in Negri Sembilan, where she had gone on holiday with her family in 2019, was probably self-inflicted and did not involve any third party.
“After hearing all the relevant evidence, I ruled that there was no one involved in the death of Nora Anne.
“After hearing all the relevant evidence, I ruled that there was no one involved in the death of Nora Anne.