武漢肺炎肆虐全球將近1年,英美與歐洲國家陸續開始為民眾施打疫苗,全球科學家與各國政府皆希望透過大規模接種來達到群體免疫。新冠疫情初期,流行病學家估計一個國家約需3分之2的人口接種才能達到群體免疫,但現在他們表示這個數字無疑太低,美國「抗疫隊長」公衛權威佛奇Anthony Fauci就在紐時與CNN表示,該國要達到群體免疫,用麻疹疫苗效力去推估
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But experts say even that calculation is still too simple.

“Those numbers are useful for thought experiments, but they don’t represent what’s likely to be the way we control the virus or its impacts,” said Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch. “Offering a kind of magic number requires some very strong assumptions about these vaccines.”
Now many of those same experts say that figure is almost certainly too low.“If you really want true herd immunity, where you get a blanket of protection over the country ... you want about 75 to 85% of the country to get vaccinated,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease official, told reporters last week “I would say even closer to 85%”