and it shouldn't sting because >:C i preach about this shit all the time. i stand on my soap box and scream "IT IS OK TO NOT LIKE SOMEONE" and then have the heckin' gall to be sad when someone doesn't like me.
we were friends, and then i left for a million years, and then we weren't friends-- which i chalked up to cleaning up her friends list and I wasn't mad because I DO THE SAME THING
and then i got defriended again after i was friended and hNhNhN i thought it was weird so i looked at their account and it was just "you have to be friends to see this" and I was like "WE DON'T HAVE MUCH IN COMMON ANYMORE ANYWAY SO THIS IS FINE" and now i am blocked and i just have...questions
ty sweet friends. i am going to try and be a gooder friend for you guys. but if you ever have any issues with me or are angry or just need to talk...I'm here. punching my anxiety in the heckin' throat. >:C
9am: good
12pm: good