Cute Quinn
here's a history fact before I go to bed
Cute Quinn
the phrase "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"
Cute Quinn
dates back to the 18th century BC, from the Code of Hammurabi
Cute Quinn
wherein it was... not a metaphor
Cute Quinn
it was literally a rule about the due punishment for someone who puts out someone's eye or tooth
Cute Quinn
and specifically those two body parts and no others
Cute Quinn
good night
huh. I knew it was from Hammurabi but didn't realize it was mutually inclusive
A Grinning DM
Fun fact: I was taught this in religion class in the 2nd grade, where it was framed as a good thing!
A Grinning DM
Yay private Catholic school!
oh i'm scary
I've heard that it kind of was, in that before the code you could just be killed for shit like this?
oh i'm scary
that's extremely citation needed but like
oh i'm scary
allegedly the idea was that punishment should be proportional, as in, not excessive
when ur brutal punishment is actually less brutal...
that just how people be
A Grinning DM
I'm not arguing it was not an improvement over what came before, but its still a weird thing to hold up as kind of ideal for a classroom of 7 year olds?
I mean it's really the 7-year-olds that are the problem there
young kids are probably not going to have the historical perspective to understand what about this was an improvement
Cute Quinn
it's very like
Cute Quinn
baby humanity's first big attempt to codify legal fairness
Cute Quinn
people who do bad things should be punished, the punishment should fit the crime
otoh I'm kind of impressed a catholic school presented it in a positive light since its most famous bible appearance is as jesus's lead-in to "turn the other cheek"
Honestly, I feel like the code of Hammurabi is just about the right level of complexity for a seven-year-old to understand. What they might not get is why humanity advanced past it.
I'm pretty sure at seven my understanding of proportionate response was "you hurt me so I hurt you back", that pretty much covered it.
A Grinning DM
🏔️ndrusi : Hammurabi’s code is indeed antithetical to what Jesus was about, but tbf so is most of modern Christianity
pff, good point