I am surprised by how angry I am at Melania's brutalist vandalism of the Rose Garden.
I tried to muster anger, but it just came out as dejected and depressed more than I already was
gawd they suck
I am too. My anger has reached irrational levels
Cami Mahovlich
I'm so angry too, I dont even understand the WHY of it. The rose garden was beautiful and filled with history. She's as vile as he is.
MarvelMouse 🐭
Yes, I'm angry too. I keep seeing a few people on twitter saying, "it's just plants!" but it's not. It's OUR HOUSE. She showed no respect for the peoples house, because she thinks it's Maralago. I wonder what else they've done in the residence that's equally horrible.
Cami Mahovlich
MamaShana: wtf even?
oh no what???
Cami Mahovlich
Nimil : yeah she ripped out flowers planted by Michelle Obama, cherry trees planted by JFK and Jackie, its so upsetting
Cami Mahovlich
also Michelle's garden
Just being a devil's advocate, but how much is because of who did it? [I mean, I'm angry because murdered trees, but....]
i just saw the picture... how awful
Fearyfox(Reyn) : Supposedly the trees were relocated, at least.
Cami Mahovlich
Fearyfox(Reyn) : But really, who else would do such a thing?
Cami Mahovlich
past presidents and first ladies respected the white house
Cami Mahovlich : Well, that garden was done by Jackie Kennedy.... was there a garden there before?
Cami Mahovlich
Fearyfox(Reyn) : I'm unsure and would have to look it up. The point is, who else would do something like this? While others have left a positive mark in that space while staying, she somehow managed to destroy it just like her "husband" is destroying the country.
You're not the only one. People are pissed.
Blue Rox
You don't like Melania's "Ode to Putin and the Kremlin" theme?
It used to be full of color and not just in spring. Now it's a pallid, rigid ghost of itself.
(((Cajsa))) : just like her!
But yes, part of my anger is because of who did it, if i am being self reflective. It sucks for sure but I would like to reach "I don't really care, do you?" about it