Paco Pooley
Since it is PRIDE month...
The Complete Guide to Queer Pride Flags
Queer has been reclaimed, and is used my many, especially older folx.

Also, I wouldn't call that the COMPLETE guide, but it has a most of the most common (and some obscure? lol) ones.
Paco Pooley
Snowhawk : Yeah - this one also got me curious. There are definitely some flags missing
I saw a good one on Twitter a few days ago, but now I can't find it. :x
Dakota 🐦‍⬛🪵
Starfirez I id as queer, that my sexuality and how semi-fluid it is, queer just makes sense. I have also reclaimed fag towards myself.
I'd almost pay money to someone who could redesign the demi flags to look cool.
Stereo Nacht
Tanarian : Hm. What if, instead of horizontal stripes, they were angled, so to represent a gradient? Let me see if I can slap together an example...
Stereo Nacht Something like this, maybe? (My graphic software is not good for that kind of art, but you get an idea.)
See, that's not a bad idea at all! More dynamic. Needs a bit more work. I wonder if people would take to a flag that serves both the demiromantic and demisexual concepts in one design.
Stereo Nacht
Hm. Aromantic, so green. One green diagonal; one purple diagonal, crossing. The crossing point would be black. Then half the flag (between the cross "arms") would be grey, the other half white.The white and grey could be divided horizontally.
Stereo Nacht
i personally would not take to a flag that serves both as i am not both. i am demisexual but i am polyromantic...
Good feedback!
Stereo Nacht
(I worry the feedback is not available to me, so if someone would repeat? That is, if it's something I should know...)
It's that some people are one, but not the other.
Stereo Nacht
Exactly Hence the horizontal division between white and grey, while the green and purple diagonals are crossing. While the black at the intersection would be those who are both. One can be aromantic while having full sexual appetite (top right quadrant), demi-sexual while having romantic feelings (top left),
Stereo Nacht
there is the grey area where one can be anything in between; and the black intersection where one is aromantic and asexual.
Stereo Nacht
Anyway. It's just an idea. Honestly, I like the first one better; it's prettier. But having both colours run parallel would imply one goes with the other, and that would be wrong.
Stereo Nacht
Maybe the other option would be to have the colours in quadrant, with an horizontal grey line all the way through the middle, and vertical middle line half white, half black.