Crow Witch
Name a fandom or character and I will give you an unpopular opinion.
ѕqυιggℓє ∂ιηgѕ
...A star war.
Crow Witch
The Last Jedi is good
Crow Witch
Hayden Christianson and Natalie Portman can both act and for some reason, in the Star Wars prequels... didn't.
Crow Witch
Most people who say Rey is too powerful are sexist.
Goose Botherer
(it was ~bad direction~)
Goose Botherer
all of these are correct
Crow Witch
Don't forget bad dialogue
they acted. turn off the sounds and watch their faces it improves the movie so much.
Crow Witch
Also, the hate Kylo gets is like 99.7% toxic masculinity.
Goose Botherer
I read a thing once that was like "all the people who came off well in the prequels were classically trained shakespearean actors at some point and thats why they're good at very stilted dialogue"
Goose Botherer
McEwan, Neesan, etc
Crow Witch
that tracks
Crow Witch
But like, the Kylo hate basically "a man who has emotions is weak no matter how strong he obviously is"
Goose Botherer : Yeah that makes sense
Crow Witch : yeah there is a lot of that is the fandom
Goose Botherer
or at least can make it sound natural
les mis btw
Goose Botherer
huh, that's not at all the flavor of most of the kylo hate I've heard
Goose Botherer
but I only catch random bits of it
Crow Witch
It's the whole "Emo Kylo Ren" think... which I love that twitter feed as much as anyone byt..
Crow Witch
Les Mis unpopular take.... hum that's harder
Crow Witch
Eponine is overraited
Crow Witch
She loved Marius. He didn't love her. She's not entitled to him. Marius is not an asshole for not loving her. Yes her death is sad yes she's a pitiable character but Marius did not OWE her anything.
Goose Botherer
I mostly see a lot of Purity Brigade "everyone interested in the ancient Brooding Byronic Archetype is a stupid bitch perpetuating abuse culture" bad takes
Crow Witch
I've seen that one too
Goose Botherer
90% of the kylo hate i've seen falls into that category, which I guess says something about the fandoms I've mostly escaped from, probably
Crow Witch
I think for me I like characters who are contradictory natures. I like how powerful and how brutal he can be crossed with how vulnerable he can be.
I've seen a lot of hate towards the character for crying/being weak/acting lube a victim
Crow Witch
Most of what I hear is the "KYLO IS A WHINY PUNK BITCH" insults
Crow Witch
StupidSexyV⚠der : I love your auto correct so much
Goose Botherer
I'm like, 98% indifferent to Kylo but I think it's like. really dumb to pretend that he wasn't meant to be complicated and central to the theming of the ST to the extent that they did ANY planning at ALL
i mean it changed victim to 'bottom' but i caught that
Crow Witch
sadly I think a lot of the fandom wants ships and laser swords and not complexity
Crow Witch
Goose Botherer
you don't have to like that character type to understand that he's in the Vader Character Spot and not the Tarkin Spot
Goose Botherer : as much as they did any planning at all right. but yes
Crow Witch
ok maybe it's late and I'm being childish but I'm crying
Crow Witch
Goose Botherer : And yes I agree..... ah the world of JJ
Crow Witch
"If we start strong everything will be fine.... OH CRAP OH CRAP OH CRAP"
Goose Botherer
like, there's TLJ haters that think Rian Johnson pulled Reylo vibes out of NOWHERE or that JJ didn't always think Kylo was cool (and also didn't notice that the reylo arc in TLJ that fundamentally repudiates the idea that she should fix him but)
Goose Botherer
(paying attention to actual narrative resolution would be HARD)
Crow Witch
Crow Witch
But... I dunno... Maybe Rise of Skywalker deserves it's hate but Last Jedi does NOT
Goose Botherer
people wanted it to be so many other things so badly that a lot of people paid no attention to what it actually was
Goose Botherer
which was cool as hell, actually :|
Goose Botherer
I've never bothered to see TRoS so idk but from the complains of "JJ is at it again writing lots of running around and no solid convictions" I'm pretty sure that's probably fair
TLJ has some issues but over all its solid
Crow Witch
It's more like a lore movie going "hey here are things you liked in star wars lets show them to you" rather than an actual narrative, and the pacing is TERRIBLE but it also has some really good stuff in it? I dunno I can objectively see how it's bad but I also don't hate it
Crow Witch
Sorry that was Rise of Skywalker not The Last Jedi in my last statement
Crow Witch
Honestly, if they'd dropped a few of the dumb pointless sub plots and slowed down the pace and expanded the main plots it COULD HAVE been pretty good
...what pacing
there was pacing?
Crow Witch
Point made
also i tossed Les Mis in there but we ranting so
Crow Witch
I responded its back there somewhere
i didn't see it! but yeah you're right
ѕqυιggℓє ∂ιηgѕ
all of these yes
ѕqυιggℓє ∂ιηgѕ
no one could have acted the prequels well given the dialogue and direction
ѕqυιggℓє ∂ιηgѕ
idg the Kylo hate from people who love Anakin/Vader. like. ???
no no no. they love Vader
they HATE Anakin
I'm like bitch Kylo was what Palpatine WANTED TO DO TO ANAKIN
Crow Witch