2. go to this page (also reachable through the "advanced settings" link at the bottom of the Mobile tab of your account settings page, which is dumb, so just use the direct link)
5. that's all well and good but in fact it will still say you have no keys! so do a hard reload (ctrl-R) and confirm "resend"
EDIT or it may show right away, in which case don't bother to ctrl-R, but if you do the worst that will happen is that you'll have multiple keys and you can delete the extras.
8. open LJ Juggler's "Manage Accounts" and delete the entry for the journal you're logged into. now re-add it, pasting the key you just copied into the "password" box.
someone with chrome here, can confirm it works! i actually didn't need to hard refresh either, it appeared automatically, but i can't confirm others won't need to do that either
since this seems to be so many people's first time using the API key feature, I suspect it's not that it doesn't work for some people so much as there's some previously undiscovered intermittent issue
True, true. I will just try again tomorrow, I'm not in too much of a hurry. Thanks to everyone who's been trying to smoothe the process out and make it easier for everyone!
So what's the fix for following all these steps exactly and still getting the Bad Password error when you attempt to add the account back to LJ Juggler using the API key as the password?
sorry if this is totally dumb, i'm not familiar with api keys -- but for journals with shared passwords, like a mod journal, would everyone with access need separate api keys or does only one api key work per journal?
I believe you can make multiple api keys per journal but you don't have to for a mod journal. Pretty sure the purpose of that is so if one of your login methods is compromised then you don't have to shut them all down? But we probably don't need to go that far.
I gave it ten minutes between generating the key and updating LJ Juggler. This did not work for the first three keys I generated. The fourth one actually worked, finally. So maybe the only thing to do really is generate new keys until it finally blesses you with one that works.
The IP ban doesn't happen because "DW is allergic to itself". It happens because repeated incorrect logins will issue a temporary IP ban as a security measure
EDIT or it may show right away, in which case don't bother to ctrl-R, but if you do the worst that will happen is that you'll have multiple keys and you can delete the extras.