So I had a weird dream. Everyone was being sent to the moon for quarantine and I was running the shuttle spaceship back and forth. I can’t remember everything anymore but something weird was happening on the moon. I was sworn to secrecy in not telling the passengers but things were getting out of hand. LOL
Maybe I should include this in my book.
potato boyo
I wish I could remember more. We were sending Fake 45 there too and there was some plot against him returning successfully that I was involved with but I just can’t remember anymore.
potato boyo
Ugh, no. not on MY moon.
potato boyo
it's nice and white, we don't need a bjg orange smear on it
potato boyo
: but he wasn’t coming back! I don’t think he was going to make it there alive either. LOL
potato boyo
No no, we are diverting his space limo to Jupiter
potato boyo
He'll blend right in. tell him they have great fried chicken.
potato boyo
potato boyo
Max Graf
you know things are bad when yall out here writing fanfiction about a plot to kill the potus in a rocket to the moon.
potato boyo
what? he doesn't die in my story, he eats space chicken
In the story "Danny Goes to Mars," we got rid of VP Quayle via space mission
Stereo Nacht
I hope you sent him on the hidden face of the moon...
So you sent him to the moon. . . . How many moons does Jupiter have?