Luke Skywanker
[OKC] I'm no longer really looking, and I wasn't ever looking for straight men, but I gotta admit, this guy is trying.
Hell, I would date him lol
Also: Fifth Doctor profile pic?
Luke Skywanker
Luke Skywanker I'm a fan good Five
Luke Skywanker
damn good
 HEROphelia 
you're a damn good everything. also, i would totally also date a guy like that. or at least try to make friends with. that's cream of the crop on OKC. not at all surprised that you attract the good sense of humour.
Luke Skywanker
He's married and older which honestly, as long as he's actually being truthful, is great. I don't actually want a relationship rn, I am too busy
juliette lives
Not bad for a straight man tbh.
aw David seems nice :-)
Luke Skywanker
I might message him anyway, if he's taking actual time to craft that kind of intro he's probably worth chatting up