Who else has One Really Weird Food Ritual that only you do, and it has no basis in any sort of dietary purposes, but you still do it?
By which I mean things like when I'm eating mcdonald's chicken nuggets, and only mcdonald's nuggets.
I have to count each one as I eat them (thanks, OCD) I have to eat one nuggets without sauce, and there has to be one nugget sacrificed to the ritual of me nibbling off all the breading without dipping in sauce, then eat half the naked nugget without sauce and the other half with.
If I don't do the naked nugget ritual, my nuggets meal feels incomplete.
This is strangely cute
And I'm absolutely sure I have something similar, but I'm not sure offhand what
It's the kind of thing where the next time I do it, I'll reflect on this conversation and go "oh"
haha yeah, I get the feeling most things are like that. XD You don't realize it's strange until you're doing it.
Oh actually, I know one. As much as possible, I have to eat reeses pieces in sets of three at a time, one of each color.
I think mine might have been a habit Inpicked up as a kid, of trying to decide what flavor I liked best for them - with sauce or without, so I found every way to eat them so I could taste every flavor profile in a chicken mcnugget that there was, but then I never decided how I liked them best and just kept the ritual up.
XD I mean, fair
👻 Retail Ghost
I separate my Skittles and M&Ms by color. With the M&Ms I eat them in ROYGBIV order. Skittles get eaten in order of least to favorite flavor.
Ohhh, that makes sense!
I usually save my favorite flavored thing for last, too! Get the gross ones out of the way first so you can really savor the best ones ay the end!
mmhm same
👻 Retail Ghost
I also shove the little candy pieces into the brownie when I eat Cosmic Brownies but that's about it for 'rituals'. I think. Unless you count dipping meat into either applesauce or mashed potatoes.
XD Yeah, that would fit in with the kind of thing I'm thinking. XD That's kind of adorable, pushing the candies in. KNOW YOUR PLACE, CANDIES.
The dipping meat in applesauce or mashed potatoes I think is more a flavor thing that's just...kind of common? It's using those like a sauce. I know I had kids do that constantly with chicken nuggets during lunch in public school.
👻 Retail Ghost
Your place is IN THE BROWNIE not ON THE FLOOR.
HAHAHA You know what? That actually makes a lot of sense, now! I never thought about their propensity for jumping off the brownie!
👻 Retail Ghost
I also peel the outer 'shell' off Swiss Rolls off and eat that first. Not like the actual cake part, just the chocolate icing that tends to crumble.
👻 Retail Ghost
...ignore one of those 'off's.
Ooooh, that makes sense! You keep it from being messy like that!
👻 Retail Ghost
Yup! And when I eat Twix I eat the caramel off first, then go for the cookie. (NGL if I could just buy the Twix cookies themselves without the caramel - even though I love caramel! - I totally would.)
Hmmm...I htink they might just be shortbread? Have you tried that?
👻 Retail Ghost
Pretty sure they are, but I want the Twix specific recipe, if that makes sense?
Oh yeah, it definitely does. They're definitely a unique type of shortbread. Probably full of all sorts of chemicals and preservatives, but they wouldn't be candy bars otherwise, lbh. XD
👻 Retail Ghost
True! I don't eat them often because they can be hit or miss with me (the ones in the vending machine at work can either be really good or taste like they were sitting at the warehouse too long, and not in that 'perfectly aged chocolate' way) but I still wish that they would sell the cookies by themselves lol
Ech, yeaaah, I totally get that. getting a treat only to find that it's gone stale and gross is the worst!
You might be able to find a mockup online somewhere. I know someone did that for chick-fil-a chicken. (LOL) it involves lots of powdered sugar and a pressure cooker, apparently.
👻 Retail Ghost
We once got an entire box of the Cadbury caramel eggs that someone had gotten from Costco and left in their pantry for like, a year and a half. They gave it to us as thanks for helping them pack up to move. And let me tell you. That chocolate had been aged p e r f e c t l y. It took us six months to make it through the box.
Ooooh, that's kind of fascinating! XD I didn't know they did that, but good to know!
👻 Retail Ghost
It had to have been something about the chocolate Cadbury uses.
👻 Retail Ghost
There were like, 60 eggs in that box. It seemed like the supply never went down, until it finally did. I was so sad. XD
👻 Retail Ghost
I think we finished it up that summer (before they could melt in our cooled by window unit ACs only house) after getting it the fall of the previous year.
Oh, I'm sure it did. Cadbury, even the stuff manufactured in the US for US markets, is a higher-quality chocolate then a lot of the stuff we get. It's apparently not as good as actual legit English Cadbury, but eh, what can you do? Chocolate barons are strangely a thing here.
creme eggs are one of the best chocolate things, either way. XD Even if they're so rich you feel like you could explode after just one of them. (LOL)
👻 Retail Ghost
Yeah I rarely get the creme eggs because they are too sweet for me. The downside of the caramel eggs and the caramel bars is that the caramel gets fucking everywhere.
Also, it just doesn't taste as good as the creme! XD But maybe that's just me. I tried one once, and was like "Nooo, disappointed!" especially since caramel is one of y favorite flavors.
👻 Retail Ghost
I love the caramel ones and was thrilled to find that they come in a bar form as well so that I can get it outside of Easter and Halloween. XD
caramelo, right?
👻 Retail Ghost
I think that's the name. I haven't gotten one in a while.
Luke Skywanker
Hmm. I like McDonald's french fries dipped in vanilla milkshake, but that's the only combo of those I do that with. McD's.
Ohh, I think I might have heard of people doing that before. :U and interesting flavor concept and I don't know that I'd try it, but hey, salty and sweet together are good combos!
and oh man, yeah, caramelo are so good! They were my favorite candy bars as a kid, but they're a little too much for me, now.
👻 Retail Ghost
I tried that once! I remember that it tasted pretty good, not sure why I haven't done it since I was a kid. Probably because I don't get milkshakes often, because they tend to make me more thirsty.
yeah, I usually don't go for milkshakes 'cause they're just so much. They can be a good treat from time to time, but I usually don't.
👻 Retail Ghost
I only get them during summertime when BFF and I go out somewhere.
Yeah, makes sense. The only time I get something shakelike, usually, is when I'm getting coffee, but they're "cleaning the machine" for the macchiatos and only have frapes. :T
When I was a kid, I used to sometimes take a bite out of a hostess cupcake to get to the filling, eat the filling, and then the rest of the cupcake.
I used to also do the eat at least one nugget as is, then eat only the breading first on the other. Until I had to give up chicken for my health.
I always get every cup of hot coffee from home/work with a glass of water. Then I drink the water first, and by the time I'm done, the coffee has cooled down enough to drink.
It can be hell on the bladder if you do it with too many beverages, but it's a nice system.
But one thing that still sticks around is, I'll at least once, always try to eat all the chocolate off a york peppermint patty first.
Oh hey, another person who dissected their chicken nuggets! I thought it was just me!
See, that's usually what I do with coffee if it's cold outside? Because when I eat hot foods, I want something cold to drink ,and if I'm eating cold foods, I want to drink hot stuff? So if I want hot coffee, I'll get a cold drink to go with my meal so i can drink that while I wait for the coffee to cool.
oh man, eating the chocolate off of a peppermint patty must be messy! (LOL)
I tend to refrigerate them first and then use the wrapper as a buffer.
And then use the wrapper and my mouth to turn the de-chocolated patty around.
I do a similar thing with peanut butter cups.
nom off the chocolate top, then the rest.
Oh, well that helps, then. Isn't refrigerated peppermint patties a thing, too? XD Like people do it pretty frequently? Or am I just imagining things.
Strangely, I usually won't do it to "see's" brand patties. The refrigeration.
Does it seem to throw the flavor off somehow?
I just like the softer room temperature texture more?
fair enough.
I actually can't handle the texture of breaded foods as much these days. Makes my throat sting. :-(
I sometimes find these little kinds of things humans do fascinating. Like what about it makes us go "Yes, like this and not like that!"?
Aww, oh no, that's no fun!
ARe you really allergic?
Probably? Never been formally tested.
I just figure that people wouldn't eat breaded foods if it made their throats hurt...
Yeah, no, definitely not!
I don't have any food allergies that I know about, but there will be, from time to time, things that I eat that will give my throat an allergic-reaction-swelling type of thing, and it happens so infrequently that I really can't tell what it is that's causing it.
not sure it fits, on account of it not being a ritual without current dietary purpose, but "odd" things I do that I didn't realize were out of the ordinary until someone remarked on it:

- drained instant ramen noodles, with either butter and salt, chicken flavor and ranch dressing, McD's bbq sauce, or creamy chicken flavor with grated parmesean
- dipping french fries in ranch or bbq sauce, not ketchup or mayo

- eating popcorn, Cheetos, and most chip and cheese crackers (Cheezits and such) with chopsticks

- dissecting meat. do not want to eat fat. hate steak especially for this reason. stupid freaking marbling. (I think it's a texture issue for me...?)

- must not have the banana's ends poking out
See, that's not weird, that's just using the noodles for a new type of dish! :V My family does that, too! butter in drained ramen noodles is one of the ways my family got through the 6mos my mom was on unemployment and we were Very very close to losing our apartment.
and I totally dip fries in ranch, too! and do the chopsticks thing. XD
of the peanut-buttered hot dog bun. must chop those off and eat them first, if they stick out.

- eat down M&Ms until there's an equal number of each color, more or less, and then eat them in turn (R, Y, Br, Bl, G, R, Y, Br, Bl, G, etc)

- will play tetragrams with cheese slices to get them to cover the apple slices exactly sometimes, cut their corners, etc
--Totally love the fat on a good steak, but I can understand the textural issue. That's me and bone-in chicken.
- folding romaine and green/red leaf lettuce in half, so they'll fit inside the sandwich, and then alternating how the leaves are laid down, so they have roughly equal stem-to-leaf distribution throughout the sandwich
I've never had bananas and peanut butter in a hot dog bun, but that actually sounds delicious and fun! :V
the banana is an excellent substitute for a hot dog, in terms of shape! though the curved end tends to be a little problematic.... (thinking) ....and pb + bananas go so well together it's almost a crime not to make a pb-banana sandwich like that sometimes, imho
There are so many of these things, like the lettuce leaves thing, that sounds like little ocd things I do, too. XD
yeah, I've heard a lot of people rave about peanut butter and banana, but I've never tried it. I really should.
do iiiiit
but! you need more banana for a proper pb-b sandwich, than you'd need of jelly, if you were to make a pbj. because bananas are less gooey and sugary... so the sandwich could end up feeling a tad... thick.
my thing to do was to cover both bread pieces in crunchy pb, then chop a banana into thick coins, and layer those over one of the slices, then turn the other one over onto it, just so the pb would help cement it all into place... and I'd use a whole banana that way, too.
Yeah, that's what I figured. kind of like if you have the wrong thickness of cucumber slices for cucumber sandwiches.
(which are, on a side note, fucking. amazing.)
it made a really thick sandwich that way, too. it was great. but oh man, did I end up thirsty after that. milk is a great compliment for it.
(LOL) Yeaaaah, that's the problem with peanut butter. One bite and you're doing the Mr. Ed face for hours unless you have some milk on hand.
haha, yeah
but do try the pb-b "hot dog" thing sometime! it's fun.
...maybe after you get a better idea of pb-to-b ratios in a more normal sandwich first, though.... hmmm.
Yeah, it sounds like it'd be great to have when the kids are over. XD I think they like both. :U I know they like peanut butter, at least.
also, a good use of just-getting-spotty bananas!
because that's another odd variable: banana ripeness matters. less ripe, more pb. more ripe, less pb... because it's closer, then, to how jelly would be, in some senses....
or... is it the other way around? augh....
See, if we have just-spotty bananas, we like to do banana bread. XD But eh, another use for them that doesn't involve a lot of work is great!
either way, it makes sense. XD
I have a weird layering system whenever I make sandwiches. Sometimes the meat is cut very oddly so I fold it and layer it so that one side isn't too thick compared to the other. XD
I also totally get not liking fat on meat. Its texture is definitely less appealing, for sure.
Yeah, i totally do that, too. I try to keep things even like that so that you get equal amounts in each bite. Sometimes it's hard to do, but I get as close as I can.

just... ARBY'S.
(LOL) Basically any fast food, tbh. I'm rather fond of Arby's right now because they've got gyro sandwiches, now. Hhhhhh, GYROS
oh, I'm an absolute sucker for their beef&cheddars. but that meat distribution is an oxymoron. it's always just one giant clump of meat in the center. pokes out on the sides a little... but it's always like twice as thick in the middle, at least, as it is on the outer parts.
and good luck just opening it up to rearrange it a bit. the cheese sauce is already trying to escape, by virtue of it being crowded out from the middle by such a high pile of meat, and the other side has the same exact problem, but with their red ranch sauce.
Arby's, you had one job.....
See, the buns on the beef and cheddars has onions on it, and I'm not fond of those, but just the straight up roast beef sandwiches? Yes, put it in my face!