Dear living force: the people you pick for the jobs you need done need to be rotated like crops, thanks.
Darth Imperious
Darth Imperious
(And apparently, she pressed it so well, it went to action instead of prose. XD; )
LMFAO oops
I can fix that
That’s just me trying to get a tag out before bed and derping
Darth Imperious
I awake because I'd been doing a mix of GW2 and other stuff. (Like dishes. And waving around a laser pointer for the kittens so they hopefully will tire out enough to not keep me awake when I do finally go to bed.)
Okay fixed!
Darth Imperious
Kittens! :-D. Yes they can be a handful. Hell, mine’s a grown cat and he still has a lot of energy
Thankfully he’s figured out nobody’s willing to play with him if they’re sleeping...which meant playing with things that shouldn’t be played with until we got him a bunch of toys he could amuse himself with.
Learning curves for both sides there
Darth Imperious
They get to be in my room because they needed someplace warmer than the garage to recover from being spayed. (They're recovered now.) I am now ready for them to be introduced to the other cats well enough that I can evict them from my room when I go to bed. x_x
Darth Imperious
...I've been staring at my mat storage for so long, I was warned that if I didn't move or use a skill, I'd be booted to char select.
Darth Imperious
...Grammarly has decided that her tone is optimistic. Okay then.
So Grammarly is useless for tone lol
Darth Imperious
Darth Imperious
She's being more 'suck it up, because the galaxy doesn't care' than optimistic. Or otherwise nice. :-P
Flow’s just like “you don’t have to be nice but you’re not the first sith to do the whole dark side temptation speech”
I don’t think the knight encounters a whole lot of those, in reality, but it sure feels like a lot
My favorite was...technically a fallen jedi rather than a sith, but every pitch point fell flat
“You can rule planets”
“I barely know what to do with a nice apartment, how am I going to handle owning a planet, or more than one?”
“You can have power”
“I don’t want to be powerful I just want peace”
“You can have all the women you want”
“I don’t need that (chooses not to tell him about the secret boyfriend)”
Darth Imperious
Darth Imperious
Also randomly, while I'm thinking about it, while Bella had a thing with Andronikos, her type is Jedi. So she's paired off with Ashara in headcanon since the game won't let same sex relationships happen before certain expansions. >_< (Ingame, I'm probably pairing her off with Theron.)
LMAO Theron’s always a good standby choice. Yay for cross-faction stuff too, I love those. (Such a sucker for them I wrote two into my legacy canon)
Darth Imperious
Now I just need to actually, you know. Play her enough to get her anywhere near Theron. >_> (Since she's not on my main server, she uh, tends not to get played. ...Even before the changes made with 6.0 that resulted in my noping out.)
haha yeah I run into that too. Got a couple troopers still sitting around Ord Mantell and early Coruscant just because they're not in the core four who seem to be the only ones I can focus on reliably
Darth Imperious
I have a bunch of lowbies on my main server who stay that way because they're not helpful for Conquest and since I end up focusing on the ones that are high enough level to not be useless, they stay that way. B|
Darth Imperious
And now, Grammarly has decided she's angry. When she's perfectly calm.
Grammarly, why
Darth Imperious
It's doing drugs. And not the good ones, either.
Darth Imperious
Why yes, that is a direct quote from the game. Although I think it's actually the SW that says it.
Lmao I don’t remember the line anyway if it was (or it was an option Oberon didn’t take)
Darth Imperious
This isn't the first time I've used a game quote in RP either. XD (Hey, the lines are good and said by somebody. May as well reuse them when/if appropriate.)
Darth Imperious
I just want you to know that I just typoed 'displeased' as 'diepleased'. You'll see why when I finish and send this tag. (LOL)
LMAO...good typo to make there
Darth Imperious
More recently, he made the Sith facepalm, good job, Flow. :-P
Metaphorical tripping over each other’s feet here
Darth Imperious
Well, at least she's not at the point of wanting to smack him. Yet.
Darth Imperious
And now he knows part of the reason she went out into a junkyard to lose her shit.
It may not be entirely his fault but he sure is going to blame himself for making her miss her. :-( (also the sheer amount of double-take that’s going to go on...)
Darth Imperious
Well, at least she got the 'wait, what?' she was going for. Even if she got hurt in the feels in the process.