فك يو
[political emails]
"as an active voter in New Hampshire, do the results of yesterday's New Hampshire primary affect who you're going to vote for in the New Hampshire primary?"

فك يو

★ тяу-нαя∂уи

★ тяу-нαя∂уи
groundhog day was a little while ago guys

→ yard sard

goddamn the process is convoluted enough without time travel

Luke Skywanker
oh my god get it together

فك يو
fun fact, one of the people i was canvass-leading with is from DC and she works across the street from the End Citizens United PAC

فك يو
(this isn't from them but i've posted a lot of dumb emails from them before; they're ridiculous)

فك يو
she confirmed that even the people who work for them hate the emails they send out

my dudes perhaps that is a sign

فك يو
lmao here's another one

فك يو
please, people

فك يو
proofread after you do your fill-in-the-blanks thing

Luke Skywanker
insult to injury

فك يو
also i have to say, i'm pretty much the worst at statistics, but even i can tell that the methodology of these """surveys""" is unbelievably crappy

فك يو
so much of the time they're like "you are the only person from your town picked to participate! your response will be considered to be representative of your entire town! not responding will have you automatically marked as a Trump supporter! please participate to avoid having everyone in your entire town recorded in our books as a Trump supporter!"

فك يو
i know that these aren't anything close to official polls and they only exist to reroute you to a donation page afterwards, but jesus christ

Luke Skywanker
good use of polling/bad use of polling rolls through my head, thanks 538

فك يو
just got another one that informed me that i needed to do their survey because my response would be used to represent all of New Hampshire

فك يو
"but Iddy you know you can just unsubscribe" look it is far more fun to mock them okay

...overplaying their hand their just a bit