Stereo Nacht
Little brother came to help me get the car unstuck, plugged in the two hydraulic hoses that were not plugged, and finished clearing my driveway. (Almost. I really had only small corners left.) No shopping today, though. I am coughing from the cold, dry air. I got tea, which helps, but I expect a hot shower before the end of the day.
Stereo Nacht
Shopping tomorrow. It's going to be sunny, and less cold too. Maybe I'll go see Birds of Prey too? I'll see. I hope you are all having a great day!
I hope you get to feeling better. If you have honey, a teaspoon drizzled down you throat to coat it helps the cough.
Stereo Nacht
I had tea, soup, spicy food, and hot cocoa. It took care of most of it. The hot shower helped me get rid of some more mucus. Now I can breathe without wheezing.